
Learning bisimulation metrics for control, particularly suited to sparse reward settings

Primary LanguagePython

Towards Robust Bisimulation Metric Learning

Accepted to NeurIPS 2021.


Install the conda environment dbc in conda_env.yml.

Example: to run our IR+ID model on the modified ContinuousCartpole-v0 task (called "Noisy Sparse Cartpole" in our manuscript) with N_m = 1, run the following command:

python train.py --domain_name $TASK --agent bisim --decoder_type identity --noisy_observation \
                --encoder_type mlp --seed 0 --device 0 --noisy_dims 1 \
                --replay_buffer_capacity 50000 --encoder_max_norm \
                --intrinsic_reward_type forward_mean --latent_prior inverse_dynamics \
                --sparsity_factor 0.01 --num_train_steps 50000 --batch_size 512

For additional usage, run train.py --help.

Reproducing Results

Scripts for reproducing all experiments in the paper are in the subfolder scripts.


Our code is based on the original Deep Bisimulation for Control code: [paper] [code], which is CC-BY-NC 4.0 licensed.


If you use our codebase, please consider citing our paper:

 author = {Kemertas, Mete and Aumentado-Armstrong, Tristan},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {M. Ranzato and A. Beygelzimer and Y. Dauphin and P.S. Liang and J. Wortman Vaughan},
 pages = {4764--4777},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {Towards Robust Bisimulation Metric Learning},
 url = {https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2021/file/256bf8e6923a52fda8ddf7dc050a1148-Paper.pdf},
 volume = {34},
 year = {2021}