
Bitcoin library

Primary LanguageC#


Collection of bitcoin related classes, can be used to impliment a variety of functions.

  • Work with addresses, public and private keys
  • Generate and sign transactions
  • Connect over P2P to a bitcoin node
  • Easily generate and evaulate custom scripts
  • Decode and encode blocks, transactions, scripts, network messages
  • Parse blockchain for data

Program.cs contains test code/me playing around/etc and usually contains commented out code that can be used for examples.

Apps directory contains mostly complete programs that use the code.

ComputeUnspentTxOut.cs creates and updates a list of all unspent outputs.

  • Requires that the blockchain contain no orphan blocks.

ComputerAddressBalances.cs uses the unspent txout list to compute a balance of all addresses.

Use FindFirstOrphan.cs to find the file containing orphaned blocks, delete that and all subsequent block files and resync bitcoind.

MakeBootstrap.cs is a failed attempt at creating a bootstrap.dat blockchain without orphaned blocks.

Code is GPLv3 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html