- 0
Has has been hacked?
#268 opened by shadoath - 1 Code: DEPLOYMENT_NOT_FOUND
#267 opened - 0
Cannot be installed after upgrading to Meteor 1.11
#266 opened by eugle - 5
Can Kadira package still be used ?
#263 opened by tomvolek - 4
Bad use of underscore method causing a crash
#247 opened by Fen747 - 4
- 4
Make it easier to work with open source Kadira
#262 opened by merlinstardust - 6
Error - Meteor
#254 opened by s-devaney - 1
Cannot connect to application
#261 opened by DanceParty - 0
- 12
- 0
Kadira is munging Meteor error output Meteor #7679
#259 opened by brucejo75 - 2
- 0
- 5
Replace jQuery with HTTP Package
#235 opened by gbhrdt - 0
Kadira Down - SSL Error
#243 opened by guns2410 - 11
[Meteor 1.4] Cannot use kadira with Meteor 1.4
#244 opened by clayne11 - 1
Kadira crashes my app.
#255 opened by itshallrun - 2
- 4
I think Kadira is adding collections to my database with 0 documents but taking 50mb of space each.
#227 opened by sferoze - 2
Kadira Error: Agent Error: 499
#251 opened by a4xrbj1 - 0
Use with NPM
#250 opened by clayne11 - 7
Error updating to Meteor
#246 opened by MichaelJCole - 3
Putting hostname in __meteor_runtime_config__ makes Meteor autoupdate unstable
#245 opened by glasser - 2
Errors are no longer showing up for my app but performance monitoring is still working.
#242 opened by mjgallag - 1
Meteor 1.3.4_1 update crash
#240 opened by jerms - 1
Kadira stopped working. (period)
#241 opened by fvpDev - 2
Expected memory usage of DocSzCache?
#237 opened by egoldblum - 1
- 0
Kadira crashes Windows server
#233 opened by ramijarrar - 0
#231 opened by ramijarrar - 0
Not able to setup Kadira for my app
#230 opened by rudygunawan - 0
Kill Meteor methods?
#229 opened by gsabran - 0
- 1
Adding kadira causes ringcentral sdk to crash
#225 opened by shantanuthatte - 1
- 2
Wrap all publication names with `_getPublicationName`
#221 opened by roonyh - 2
- 1
Did you see Meatier ?
#217 opened by meepeek - 8
Kadira causing crash in docker?
#214 opened by JulianKingman - 2
- 3
Fails to add package (While checking for meteorhacks:kadira-binary-deps@1.2.1)
#209 opened by christophmayrhofer - 1
Measure and report time from `method` to `updated` DDP frames for method calls
#208 opened by egoldblum - 2
Type Error crashing server
#207 opened by 1e1f - 1
Do not retry for 4xx errors
#206 opened by thani-sh - 0
#204 opened by romant - 1
Kadira conflicting with Migrations
#203 opened by dfischer - 1
Incorporate Mongo Explain
#202 opened by jbrozena22 - 0
Kadira cluster multi cpu support
#201 opened by Latnok - 2
Question: Disconnect/Reconnect ?
#199 opened by boustanihani