
Ionic components for Meteor. No Angular!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Build Ionic apps in Meteor!


This is an attempt at real Ionic and Meteor integration. This is not just Ionic's CSS framework wrapped in a Meteor package. It aims to be a complete port of Ionic’s Angular directives to Meteor Blaze templates.


Ionic is arguably the most comprehensive, polished, cross-platform mobile framework available. But unfortunately a large portion of its functionality comes from Angular directives. I'm not a fan of trying to force-fit Angular into Meteor, so I wanted to see if I could rewrite Ionic specifically for Meteor.

Demo of all components

The demo app of various ionic components

Demo | Code branch 1.2.4-dev


The documentation site contains main information, from installation, demo, and documentation. Even starter project. Documentation Site