i'M DEVOPS @ gk lanit


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What is Gentleman git repository:

  • A Linux Beginner's Handbook for quick immersion, convenience and end-to-end learning skills for easy console operation. You will save a lot of time and reduced learning curve 🐱‍👤
  • Linux Performance Tip's & Tools for Fast Work 👨‍💻
  • Instrument for reduce the time spent on comparison and selection among a variety of tools, providing a list of relevant solutions, trying to reduce the number of associated errors and increase a positive interaction experience
  • Highlights for a long time way in OpenSource world
  • Platform for start automated bootstrap with you working environment at new system without history
  • Community for sharing experience that are common, affordable and time-saving

What is not Gentleman:


One of most popular Linux distributive for servers and desktop (see Kubuntu with KDE). Best for typical server infrastructure without graphics, Docker practice and recommended for beginners. Largest package repository based on Debian + PPA + snap and flatpak + any popular software support only Ubuntu.

Developed by: Canonical Creator: Mark Shuttleworth (also Space Adventures Tourist) Support (LTS): 5 year base + 5 extended Users: Goobuntu with KDE in Google, Wikipedia at servers, NASA, MIT, CERN, LIGO, DARPA, Uber, Tesla, Audi, Mercedes, etc.


Console interface where input commands and see outputs.

Ctrl+Alt+F1-F9 - change real TTY output to monitor. Default F1 (RHEL) or F7 (Ubuntu). Can be helpfull if console busy or frozen GUI.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
echo "kernel.sysrq = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  • Magickeys:
Alt+SysRq+k - **K**ills all programs on the current virtual console, including X.
Alt+SysRq+b - re**B**oot. Or command `echo "b" > /proc/sysrq-trigger


Ctrl+D # exit, close most popular consoles
cat /etc/*-release # print OS release information
hostnamectl # show hostname info with virtualization info
uname -a # show linux kernel version
cd - # return to previous directory
whereis ls # return binary path
which ls # return path to file
groups # list groups of current user
cat /etc/passwd # list system users
./file.sh # run file.sh in current dir

Parameters for human use utils with most popular cases:

util -v # view util version or verbose output
util --version
util version
util -h # or -? # print help or human format view: ls -hal; df -h; free -h
util --help # or --usage
util help # often no print help


Change user default shell:

chsh -s /bin/bash user


Most popular unix-shell for execute command language. Bash scripts starts with #! (shebang) symbols in file and have .sh extension.

chmod +x script.sh # make file executable
bash -x script.sh # debug script with print runned command

color, l, ll, hh, enhanced history, recursive search, autocomplete

  • ~/.bashrc - init file for bash session. Mora about bash and Prompt (console invitation). Default ~/.bashrc file with human and colored output system standard utils:
sed -i "s/#force_color_prompt/force_color_prompt/; s/#export GCC_COLORS/export GCC_COLORS/; s/#alias dir/alias dir/; s/#alias vdir/alias vdir/; s/-alF'/-alFh'/; s/-A'/-Ah'/; s/-CF'/-CFh'/" ~/.bashrc

Powerful shell that operates as both an interactive shell and as a scripting language interpreter.

  • Installation:
sudo apt install zsh powerline fonts-powerline -y # zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-theme-powerlevel9k
sh -c "$(wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

# Oh My Zsh plugin installation (better use zinit plugin manager):
#git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
#git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
#echo "source /usr/share/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme" >> ~/.zshrc
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zdharma/zinit/master/doc/install.sh)"

Restart shell for install zinit.

echo "zinit ice depth=1; zinit light romkatv/powerlevel10k" >> ~/.zshrc

To run Powerlevel10k configuration wizard:

p10k configure
zinit load zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
zinit load zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting


history -c # clean
 command # with space at first symbol command will not write to history
!<number> - will run command from history with selected number
!! - run last command in history
sudo !! - run last command in history with substitute user (default as root with admin privileges)
  • Arrow Up & Down - command history scroll
  • Ctrl+R - recursive command history search
  • Add timestamp, remove dublicates, sync with any console session:
cat >> ~/.bashrc << EOF
export HISTIGNORE='ls -l:ls -la:pwd:date:ll:ls:l:'
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
export PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND$'\n'}history -a; history -c; history -r;"


  • Prompt - add red color for root session, print command execute result code:
cat >> ~/.bashrc << EOF
if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
  . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
  . /etc/bash_completion

Last_Command=$? # Must come first!
## Add a bright white exit status for the last command
PS1="$White\$? "
## If it was successful, print a green check mark. Otherwise, print
## a red X.
if  $Last_Command == 0 ; then
    PS1+="$Green$Checkmark "
    PS1+="$Red$FancyX "
## If root, just print the host in red. Otherwise, print the current user
## and host in green.
if  $EUID == 0 ; then
    PS1+="$Red\\h "
    PS1+="$Green\\u@\\h "
## Print the working directory and prompt marker in blue, and reset
## the text color to the default.
PS1+="$Blue\\w \\\$$Reset "
  • grc - add more color to console output:
sudo apt install grc -y

cat >> ~/.bash_aliases << EOF
alias cvs='grc --colour=auto cvs'
alias diff='grc --colour=auto diff'
alias esperanto='grc --colour=auto esperanto'
alias gcc='grc --colour=auto gcc'
alias irclog='grc --colour=auto irclog'
alias ldap='grc --colour=auto ldap'
alias log='grc --colour=auto log'
alias netstat='grc --colour=auto netstat'
alias ping='grc --colour=auto ping'
alias proftpd='grc --colour=auto proftpd'
alias traceroute='grc --colour=auto traceroute'
alias wdiff='grc --colour=auto wdiff'
alias dig='grc --colour=auto dig'
alias ll='grc --colour=auto ls -laFh --color=always'
alias cat='grc --colour=auto cat'
alias zcat='grc --colour=auto zcat'
alias make='grc --colour=auto make'
alias gcc='grc --colour=auto gcc'
alias g++='grc --colour=auto g++'
alias head='grc --colour=auto head'
alias mount='grc --colour=auto mount'
alias ps='grc --colour=auto ps'
alias mtr='grc --colour=auto mtr'
alias zgrep='grc --colour=auto zgrep'
alias l='grc --colour=auto ls -lah --color=always'


Check in your system:

cat ~/.bashrc | grep completion

Default already in Ubuntu:

sudo apt install bash-completion -y
cat >> ~/.bashrc << EOF
if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
  . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
  . /etc/bash_completion


Add alias for command to ~/.bash_aliases:

cat >> ~/.bash_aliases << EOF
alias upd="sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y"
alias tcp="ss -altp"

Add more useful aliases based on all you shell command history with topalias:

pip install --user topalias
topalias # add -z flag for zsh

Modern console utils

  • bat - cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration + delta for Git and diff + bat-extras (batwatch, batdiff, prettybat).
sudo apt install bat delta -y
  • peep - less and more alternative
  • exa - better than ls
  • f*** - magnificent app, that corrects errors in previous console commands. You can add safe fast aliases 'f' and 'F' to force -y without confirmation.
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools -y
pip3 install --user thefuck

puthon #example
#No command 'puthon' found, did you mean
#python [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c]
  • Run any command in one line without check execute result - separate command with ; (semicolons): touch $(date).txt; ls -lah
  • Run next command in line if previous was successfully completed (exit code: 0) - separate command with && (ampersand): sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y

File Manager

  • mc - dual-panel visual (working from console without GUI) file manager with SFTP/SMB client, mceditor, archive navigator.Like hotkeys:
Ctrl+O - switch panels to console and back to mc
Ctrl+\ - open path bookmarks
Ctrl+X+S - create simlink
Ctrl+X+T - print filename to bottom console line
F3 - view file
F4 - edit file
F4 (in mcedit) - find and replace
Shift+Mouse select - copy selected text text
Shift+RightClick or Shift+Insert - paste clipboard
Shift+Del - cut selected text
F10 - exit
Ctrl+S - search file
Insert - mark file for multiple action
F5 - copy selected or marked files
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
EDITOR=mcedit mc
cat >> ~/.bashrc << EOF
EDITOR=mcedit mc
export EDITOR

In panels mode:

  • F9 Activates the top menu.
  • o Selects the Option menu.
  • c Opens the configuration dialog.
  • i Toggles the use internal edit option.
  • s Saves your preferences.


  • fd - simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
sudo apt install fd-find -y
  • fzf - fuzzing search
sudo apt install fzf -y
sudo apt install mlocate -y
sudo updatedb # update file index, autoupdate every night
sudo locate root | grep txt # search all system
locate root | grep txt # search with user permissions


df -h # list volumes, free space, mount points
mount # list mounted points
  • pydf - better than df
pip install --user pydf
sudo apt install ncdu -y


ip a # show network address, instead legacy "ipconfig" - short and doesn't need sudo
ss -altp # show open tcp ports, instead "netstat -lnp" - short and doesn't need sudo


  • htop - console interactive process viewer with resources load visualisation (analog Windows task manager)
sudo apt install htop

View IOWAIT: F2 -> display options → detailed CPU time

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bashtop-monitor/bashtop
 sudo apt update
 sudo apt install bashtop -y
  • Search proccess:
ps -A aux | grep <proc>


tail -f /var/log/dpkg.log # print real-time log or other file
sudo tail -f /var/log/* # printing multiple file logs
  • lnav TODO: log rotation TODO: systemd-journald


man -k login # search mans with login context
PgDown/PgUp # scroll page
/<word> # in opened man search text <word> in all man (need Enter for command).
/ # search next (Enter)
q # exit
  • tldr - short manual from internet
  • ealdeer - fаst implementation of tldr in Rust
  • pinfo - curses based lynx-style info browser, better than man
cargo install tealdeer
git add -A # add to index all files in foler/subfolder and hiden (name start with dot) too
  • lazygit - console client
  • tig - text-mode interface for git


  • BFG - removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does
  • git commit --amend -m "an updated commit message"
  • rebase -i


TODO: Presentation


  • screen
screen pstree # start new session with command pstree
screen -S build ninja # start session "build" with command "ninja"
screen -r build # restore session "build", remove session name to restore last session
screen -ls # list opened session
  • tmux (default installed in Ubuntu)
tmux new -s session_name # create new named session
tmux ls # show opened session
tmux attach-session -t 0 # attach for session with number 0
Ctrl+b (Action mode) **c** # create a new window (with shell)
Ctrl+b **w** Choose window from a list
Ctrl+b **0** Switch to window 0 (by number )
Ctrl+b **%** Split current pane horizontally into two panes
Ctrl+b **"** Split current pane vertically into two panes
Ctrl+b **o** Go to the next pane
Ctrl+b **x** Close the current pane

Session manager: tmuxp

  • byobu (default installed in Ubuntu)
byobu - run new or restore last session
Shift+F6 - deattach session without exit
F2 - add new tab window
F3 - previous tab window
F4 - next tab window
Ctrl+F2 - split vertical windows
Shift+F2 - split horizontal windows
Shift+F3 - next window zone
Ctrl+a+k - close current window
Ctrl-A [ - scroll window


  • cron:
crontab -e # edit cron jobs for current user
sudo crontab -e -u root # edit root cron jobs
## min (0-59) # hour (0-23) # day of month (date 1-31) # month (1-12) # day of week (1-7) # use '*' in these fields (for 'any')
30             22            31                         12             7                 # cron job format example

cat /etc/crontab # print sheduled tasks

TODO: apt autoupdate TODO: e-mail notification

Text processor

  • ack - better than grep
  • ag - better than ack awk, sed (ed), grep
  • ripgrep - better then ag
  • batgrep - better then grep, ack, ag, ripgrep (best)
grep -H # print search string with file path


  • JSON
sudo apt install jq -y
jq '.parameter[0].next_param'

jged - interactive query generator for jq

pip3 install --user urwid urwid-readline
cd ~/Downloads
git clone https://github.com/Wazzaps/jqed
sudo install -o root -g root ./jqed/jqed /usr/bin/

fx - better than jq

  • XML
sudo apt install xmlstarlet -y # user xml command for XPath action
xml val file.xml
xml sel -t -v "/xml/..xpath.." file.xml


Automation and orchestration.

  • Installation:
pip3 install --user ansible


  • percol
  • aptitude - ncursed Apt shell

Text editor


  • When you open file without Write-access privileges (root file from user without sudo) - on bottom printed warning "unwritable".
nano +42 file.txt # open text file on 42 line number
F2 - save and exit from nano
Ctrl+O - save file
Ctrl+X - exit from editor
Ctrl+W - search
Alt+R - find and replace
Ctrl+C - show current position line/row
  • Add syntax hightlight without internet and extended formats:
find /usr/share/nano/ -iname "*.nanorc" -exec echo include {} \; >> ~/.nanorc

Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scopatz/nanorc/master/install.sh -O- | sh
#wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scopatz/nanorc/v2.9/install.sh -O- | sh # for nano <= v2.9


F10 - Menu

vim (vi)


  • Without saving changes: Esc (for Command mode) -> :q! -> Enter
  • With saveing changes: Esc (for Command mode) -> :q -> Enter or ZZ (capital with Shift) in Text mode for Save and Exit.
  • Edit Mode: I (without Shift)
  • Text Mode: Esc from Edit Mode or Command mode)
  • Search: in Command mode type /text -> Enter

Plugin Manager:


vimv - better than vim rename & thameera
sudo apt install neovim -y
sudo apt install python3-neovim -y
pip3 install --user neovim


tar xvfz archive.tar.gz # unpack tar.gz archive
unzip archive.zip # unpack ZIP-archive
sudo apt install p7zip p7zip -y
7z x myfile.7z; 7z x archive.rar # uncompress an 7-zip/RAR archive

Web Browser

sudo apt install elinks -y
sudo apt install w3m -y # with emacs integration


TODO: Useful complex commands with explanation.


Helpful command to look around

help help # reference
man man # manuals
env # environment variables
<double>-<TAB> # list all executable command from autocomplite
ps; ls -la; cat; top

Tip's 💡

sudo hostnamectl <short hostname> # correct change hostname, need argument short hostname, not fqdn
apt # use one instead apt-get & apt-cache commands
sudo hwclock # real hardware time on machine


  1. Mass rename files - replace "name_start" and "name_finish":
for f in *.name_start; do
    mv -- "$f" "${f%.name_start}.name_finish"




  • ext4 - default for Ubuntu and for most volumes on linux OS devices (mobile, network, multimedia, etc.).
  • XFS - default for RHEL/CentOS
  • Btrfs - default for openSUSE. zypper (snapper) and apt (apt-btrfs-snapshot) with Btrfs on system colume can save installed system package snapshot and rollback if system was damaged. Supported in Ubuntu, Oracle Linux, Fedora. Active developer: Facebook.
  • exFAT - filesystem for flash-drive memory. Limited support on some devices. Can't be used for boot device.
  • NTFS - Linux support NT-filesystem on read/write.




dpkg -l | grep <package> # find installer package and version:
apt search <package> | grep <package> # find package in repository
apt show <package> # package about info
sudo apt -f install # fix broken install packages
  • apt-fast - shellscript wrapper for apt-get and aptitude that can drastically improve apt download times by downloading packages in parallel
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-fast -y
  • apt-file
sudo apt install apt-file -y
sudo apt-file update
apt-file search libmp3lame.so.0
  • aptitude - console interactive package manager
  • synaptic - GUI package manager

Package management without dependency hell as well as Docker for services. Not replacement deb/rpm system, supported in 20+ popular distributives. Use latest GUI app version in any distros and developers no need to compile a separate package for each distribution. Provide All-in-One containerised app will work on most Desktop Linux OS. Secure and other isolation (AppArmor & Seccomp) features.

  • Install on Kubuntu:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd -y
sudo apt install plasma-discover-snap-backend -y # KDE Discover integration
sudo snap install snap-store
sudo snap set system refresh.retain=2 # storage limit for previous app versions on disk
  • Install Snap Application from web Snap Store (One Click install), KDE Discovery, GNOME Software or console.
  • Install snapd in other Linux distributives (similar simple): snapd and Snap Store.


  • Google Chrome:
sudo bash -c 'cat >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list << EOF
deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main


  • Steam
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
sudo apt update
sudo apt install steam -y



  • CopyQ - advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hluk/copyq
sudo apt update
sudo apt install copyq


  • WPS Office - proprietary free office suite with hight MS Office compability and similar design from China.
sudo snap install wps-2019-snap
sudo snap connect wps-2019-snap:cups-control :cups-control
sudo snap connect wps-2019-snap:alsa :alsa
sudo snap connect wps-2019-snap:pulseaudio :pulseaudio
sudo snap connect wps-2019-snap:removable-media :removable-media
  • Telegram Desktop - cross-platfrom quick online messenger, works with poor connection and low internet speed.


sudo apt install neofetch -y
  • telegram-cli - cross-platfrom quick online messenger, works with poor connection and low internet speed.
sudo snap install telegram-cli
telegram-cli -k <public-server-key>
telegram-cli msg <peer> text - sends message to this peer






  • Lab - Source Code Management (vcs:git), DevOps platform (CI/CD, Monitoring, Kubernetes integration), Project Management and other with more service support (YouTrack, JIRA, oAuth, Gmail, Trello, Slack, Mattermost, HipChat, TeamCity, Jenkins, Bamboo, GitHub, other)
  • Sourcegraph - code search system (GitHub, GitLab, other)



  • Liquorix - distro kernel replacement built using custome configuration and kernel sources for desktop, multimedia, and gaming workloads. May be not working with proprietary drivers and not really stable. Installing (not recommended, at your peril):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:damentz/liquorix
sudo apt update
sudo apt install linux-image-liquorix-amd64 linux-headers-liquorix-amd64

zram, filesystem, kernel (liquorix), grub, initramfs, preload, sysctl (vm.swappiness)




fwupd - Linux Vendor Firmware Service for Autoupdates BIOS and drivers, integrated with KDE Discover and GNOME Software. Vendors support lot of devices.

CPU Microcode


Proprietary vs OpenSource

Support & Compability





XPS 13 Developers Edition







Raspberry Pi



  • Prometheus
  • OpenSource firmware


Print hotkey/command/syntaxis tips of the product, that you are currently studying/use more, add magnetically or tape attach to the Hardware system unit or wall. In few months you can give to someone who has not yet had time to learn hotkeys or place the smoking room.







  • lazydocker
  • Portainer


pip3 install --user docker-compose


  • Installer: Rancher/Kubespray
  • Enable kubectl autocompletion:
echo 'source <(kubectl completion bash)' >>~/.bashrc
kubectl completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl

Windows user

Package Manager

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco install ChocolateyGUI
choco install nuget.commandline --pre


choco search # find package, alias for choco list
choco install notepadplusplus # install package
choco uninstall <package> # delete/remove
choco upgrade <package> # update program
choco info <package> # show about
choco -h # help

Free program examples:




Microsoft Office

PowerShell Core (PS Core)

choco install powershell-core


Open PowerShell as Administrator:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Register-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -SourceLocation https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/ -PublishLocation https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/ -ScriptSourceLocation https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/items/psscript/ -ScriptPublishLocation https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/package/ -InstallationPolicy Trusted -PackageManagementProvider NuGet # Add PSGallery for Powershell with version less than v5
Set-PackageSource -Name PSGallery -Trusted # If registered, but Untrusted
Register-PSRepository -Default -InstallationPolicy Trusted # Register PSGallery for PS5+
Register-PackageSource -Name Nuget -Location "http://www.nuget.org/api/v2" –ProviderName Nuget -Trusted
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force
Install-Module -Name PackageManagement

PowerShell Core (PS Core)

choco install powershell-core

Windows Terminal


PowerShell Core:

Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module oh-my-posh -Scope CurrentUser


notepad $PROFILE

Add and save:

Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Set-Theme Paradox


cd D:\ # if doesn't change directory try:

Remote client

Install command in cmd as Administrator:

choco install kitty winscp mobaxterm

PuTTY-based SSH client.

  • Installation path: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\kitty\tools\kitty.exe
  • If you uses SSH keys - run SSH-agent and you no need enter passphrase every new session: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\kitty\tools\kageant.exe
  • WinSCP - SFTP/FTP client with Kitty integration

Proprietary free integrated SSH/RDP-client with session manager. Multi-protocol client & server All-in-One combine.

Client support network protocols: RDP, SSH, VNC, SFTP, FTP, AWS S3, WSL, XDMCP, Telnet, Mosh, Rsh (Rlogin) and Serial COM-port. Server tools (all it run in Windows): HTTP server, FTP server, SFTP server, TFTP server, NFS server, SSH server, Telnet server, VNC server, Iperf server, X server for Windows (display Linux X11 GUI app). Integrated tools: ZSH shell for Windows, Cron sheduler and other Network, System, Office, Linux and Console utilities

  • X server for Windows - view Linux GUI X11 app in Windows over network. Command for Linux after start X server in MobaXterm:
DISPLAY=<IP>:0 gedit # IP - network address Windows machine

RDP/VNC client for KDE.

RDP/VNC client, default in Ubuntu.

sudo snap install remmina

Linux way

Console utilities, Git/Bash for Windows, cmder shell (based on ConEmu & clink & FAR), Chocolatey/winget.

  • Commandline utils installation comman for chocolatey (as Administrator):
choco install git.install bat ag fzf delta clink cmder curl openssl.light python3 wget less neovim

Git Bash

ipconfig /all # doestn't work
ipconfig -all # parameter
ipconfig //all # dublicate slash
ipconfig \/all # escape slash






Win+D - hide all windows
Win+E - open my computer folder
Win+V - clipboard manager
Ctrl+Shift+` - open Task Manager


choco install copyq
  • PowerToys - Open Source Microsoft utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity (Open Source alternative: ImageGlass.
Long press Win - show hotkeys
Shift+Arrow - snap window to FancyZones.
  • digiKam - Open Source KDE powered image organizer.
  • FS Image Viewer - proprietary free all-screen image viewer with 4 screen-sides tools panel and integrated editor.
  • VLC - Open Source cross-platform video player.
  • qBittorrent - Open Source Qt-based bittorrent client.
  • Telegram - Open Source cross-platfrom quick online messenger, works with poor connection and low internet speed.
  • Bitwarden - [Open Source] cross-platform password manager with online sync.
  • PyCharm - Open Source JetBrains powered IDE with plugins.
  • Visual Studio Code - [Open Source] cross-platfrom Microsoft powered modern Atom-based code editor with extensions. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git. More languages, debuggers, and tools in Marketplace.
  • SourceTree - proprietary Atlassian powered Git/Mercurial GUI client with Git-flow and Bitbucket integration, visual merge conflic and graph, large commit information, interactive rebase.
  • Fiddler - proprietary cross-platform debugging proxy HTTP(S) traffic sniffer for web developers.
  • Rufus - OpenSource utility that format and create from ISO bootable USB flash drives with Linux/Windows/other installation & live disk image.
  • Slack - proprietary cross-platform business communication messenger platform with GitHub integration.


Autoruns, Fiddler, Hunspell


Docker Heroku pgAdmin4

Explanations and interesting facts

  • RPM5

Thinking out

Top Bugs






Develop OpenSource


Repository list, star, fork, pet






















  • Disable read/executable flags for other at home directory:
chmod 750 ~
  • sudo vs su

