This tool can be used in the RMS enviroment in the case a meteor of fireball event is captured in two or more FFfiles. This script is largely based on a other RMS/Utils tool: does not need the FTPdetect file, the .config file or platepar file. It only needs to get pointed to the directory where the two or more 'event_FFfiles' are stored.
Each FFfile in a directory will be coverted into a set of 256 frames-->
Each set of frames will be converted into a .mp4 video-->
All mp4's will be concatenated (merged) into one .mp4 video.
This script is running best when only
FFfiles which should be merged into one .mp4 are stored in a seperate folder!
When RMS is running via Anaconda on Windows make sure ffmpeg is installed. If not, install with:
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg
RMS should be installed on your system to run this script. See:
When RMS is installed on your system, check the directory ~/source/RMS/Utils
If the script is not there, copy-paste it into this Utils directory.
Next; Copy-paste the desired FFfiles into a folder somewhere on your system and remember the location. Now you are ready to run the script by:
- make sure vRMS is activated:
source vRMS/bin/activate
- change into the RMS directory:
cd ~/source/RMS
- Run the script BatchFFfileFRamesOneMP4 and show the available options with: (note: do not add .py at the end of the script-name!)
python -m Utils.BatchFFfileFramesOneMP4 -h
- You will see some explanation about how to use the script. In this case you only need to add the folder path of the folder containing the 'event_FFfiles' like:
python -m Utils.BatchFFfileFramesOneMP4 /path/to/your/folder/with/event_FFfiles
When the script is done you will find in your 'event_FFfiles' folder a .mp4 of each FFfile and the Merged_event_FFfileFrames.mp4
file. You could rename this file to suit your needs.