
Automated tasks for importing, exporting and managing Meteostat data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Meteor provides a simple base class for creating automated import, export and maintenance tasks which interact with different Meteostat interfaces. Most tasks import meteorological data from open governmental interfaces into Meteostat's central SQL database. All automated tasks are placed in the cron directory.


Meteostat has a strong focus on open source. We rely on coding enthusiasts who are passionate about meteorology to grow our database and collect as much weather and climate data as possible.

Creating a Task

All tasks extend the Meteor base class. Use the following template for creating new tasks:

Module description

from meteor import Meteor, run

class Task(Meteor):
  Task description

  name = 'import.example'

  def main(self) -> None:
    Main script & entry point

    # Your implementation

# Run task

You may use additional methods or class attributes to structure your code.


The code of this library is available under the MIT license.