
STM32F100 implementation of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with PCF8574T I2C expander module

Primary LanguageC

STM32 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) via I2C driver

Just a project with STM32F100 to interface an LCD display through PCF8574 over I2C. Greetings


The entire project is implemented within STM32CubeIDE. Source and header files are located in Src/i2c_lcd.c and Inc/i2c_lcd.h respectively.

Latest updates

  • Added configurability to cursor incrementation, blinking, display shifting.
  • Added support for custom generated characters in RAM (CGRAM).
  • Created i2cLcd_ReadByte() task to read address counter (AC) and busy flag (BF).

Operation and dependencies

A custom data struct is used to allow multi-instance LCD addressing, each instance comprising of a handle to I2C HAL type, I2C Slave address and corresponding LCD parameters (display settings, cursors, backlight, etc).

Currently, the library functions for LCD control use the following HAL abstractions:

  • HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit();
  • HAL_I2C_Master_Receive();
  • HAL_Delay();


  • Refine delay tasks. Currently a delay of ~1ms is used between any commands, which is inefficient.
  • Documentation!
  • Include schematics and example code snippets