
Manage the rsyslog configuration files

MIT LicenseMIT


This roles configures rsyslog. It manages the general configuration file and several service-specific configuration files.


In your role's meta, add a dependency to this role using the syntax described below.

# my_role/meta/main.yml
  - role: aerisloud.rsyslog
    role_name: my_role

You role must contain a template file named rsyslog.j2 which will be copied on the server.


If logstash_forwarder is set to the name of one of the machine in the inventory, rsyslog will forward the logs to this machine.

In addition to setting logstash_forward, if private_ip is set, rsyslog will forward to this IP address. Default is the ansible_ssh_host of the logstash_forwarder. This is useful when the logstash_forwarder have multiple IPs, such as global and private IPs.