
Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

Table of Contents

  1. Setup and installation

    1. Python
    2. c++
    3. LaTeXMl
  2. Data and configuration

    1. cntl file
    2. Raw data
      1. ARQMath
      2. NTCIR
    3. Tsv Files
      1. Db Index
      2. Results
      3. 1st Results
      4. Re-Ranked results
  3. All in one bash script

  4. Running parts individually

    1. Indexing
      1. Generating Indices
      2. Precomputed Indices
    2. Querying
    3. Finding top K results
    4. Re-ranking
    5. Combining
  5. Evaluation

  6. Debugging

  7. Community Contributions

Setup and Installation

Tested on linux



(optional) install anaconda distribution https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual

$ conda create -n tangent-s python=3.6.9
$ conda activate tangent-s
$ cd /path/to/tangent-s 
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/full/path/to/tangent-s/

To avoid having to reset the pythonpath every time a new terminal is opened run conda develop $(pwd) from the tangent-s directory

####Standalone Python

$ cd /path/to/tangent-s 
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/full/path/to/tangent-s/

Add the export line to the .bash_profile file to avoid having to export it every time a console is opened.


Build c++ indexing tool

$ cd /path/to/tangent-s/
$ cd src/cpp/
$ make install

Take not that a mathindex.exe appears in the bin/ directory


install LaTeXML conversion tool
using debian based linux

sudo apt-get install latexml

other instructions can be found here https://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/get.html

Data and Configuration

cntl file

an example cntl file is shown below. explanations for each field can be found below that.

cntl	arqopt.cntl
window	4
queries	../testing/test_queries/opt_task1.xml
doc_list	../cntl/testlist.txt
database	dbarqmathopt-new
chunk_size	200
tree_model	operator
file_skips	[0]
index_fileids	{3530}
query_fileids	{23618}


cntl the name of the control file
window The window that is applied during the spectral graph search process. To get more info about this parameter reference the tangent-s papers
queries relative or absolute path to the xml file containing the queries that should be run against the indexes. An example dictating the format is show below. Whether the mathml within the query is in presentation or content format matters when running the queries.

<xml version="1.0">
          <formula id="q_92"><math alttext="\int_{0}^{1}\frac{\ln(1+x)\ln(1-x)}{1+x}\,dx" display="block">   <apply>     <apply>       <csymbol cd="ambiguous">superscript</csymbol>       <apply>         <csymbol cd="ambiguous">subscript</csymbol>         <int/>         <cn type="integer">0</cn>       </apply>       <cn type="integer">1</cn>     </apply>     <apply>       <times/>       <apply>         <divide/>         <apply>           <times/>           <apply>             <ln/>             <apply>               <plus/>               <cn type="integer">1</cn>               <ci>𝑥</ci>             </apply>           </apply>           <apply>             <ln/>             <apply>               <minus/>               <cn type="integer">1</cn>               <ci>𝑥</ci>             </apply>           </apply>         </apply>         <apply>           <plus/>           <cn type="integer">1</cn>           <ci>𝑥</ci>         </apply>       </apply>       <apply>         <ci>d</ci>         <ci>𝑥</ci>       </apply>     </apply>   </apply> </math> </formula>
      <formula id="q_290"><math alttext="\int e^{x^{2}}dx" display="block">   <apply>     <int/>     <apply>       <times/>       <apply>         <csymbol cd="ambiguous">superscript</csymbol>         <ci>𝑒</ci>         <apply>           <csymbol cd="ambiguous">superscript</csymbol>           <ci>𝑥</ci>           <cn type="integer">2</cn>         </apply>       </apply>       <apply>         <ci>d</ci>         <ci>𝑥</ci>       </apply>     </apply>   </apply> </math> </formula>
      <formula id="q_370"><math alttext="\int x^{k}f(x)dx=0" display="block">   <apply>     <eq/>     <apply>       <int/>       <apply>         <times/>         <apply>           <csymbol cd="ambiguous">superscript</csymbol>           <ci>𝑥</ci>           <ci>𝑘</ci>         </apply>         <ci>𝑓</ci>         <ci>𝑥</ci>         <apply>           <ci>d</ci>           <ci>𝑥</ci>         </apply>       </apply>     </apply>     <cn type="integer">0</cn>   </apply> </math> </formula>
      <formula id="q_807"><math alttext="A=\displaystyle\int_{0}^{2\pi}{g(x)\cdot\cos(x)\mathrm{d}x}" display="block">   <apply>     <eq/>     <ci>𝐴</ci>     <apply>       <apply>         <csymbol cd="ambiguous">superscript</csymbol>         <apply>           <csymbol cd="ambiguous">subscript</csymbol>           <int/>           <cn type="integer">0</cn>         </apply>         <apply>           <times/>           <cn type="integer">2</cn>           <ci>𝜋</ci>         </apply>       </apply>       <apply>         <times/>         <apply>           <ci>⋅</ci>           <apply>             <times/>             <ci>𝑔</ci>             <ci>𝑥</ci>           </apply>           <apply>             <cos/>             <ci>𝑥</ci>           </apply>         </apply>         <apply>           <ci>d</ci>           <ci>𝑥</ci>         </apply>       </apply>     </apply>   </apply> </math> </formula>

doc_list this is a file containing the paths to the files that should be used during the indexing process. Paths can be relative or absolute.


database name to be prepended to query and index files generated in db-index/
chunk_size During the indexing size multiple processes are kicked off to speed up computation, the chunk size options dictates how many files are processed by a python process at a given time. Systems with less RAM can lower this value if problems occur.
tree_model operator or layout
file_skips Data cached for the sake of computational speedup. This field will be automatically populated when indexing
index_fileids This field represents the ids of the index files stored in db-index. This field will be automatically populated when indexing
query_fileids This field represents the ids of the query files stored in db-index. This field will be automatically populated when building queries

Raw Data

In general the data can exist as an arbitrary number of html, xml, or mathml files. These files then must be properly enumerated by the doclist which is referenced in the cntl file.


Originally the ARQMath dataset exists as a series of html files with embedded latex. These files are then cleaned and parsed to generated TSV files in which the latex has been extracted and converted to MathML for both slt and opt representations. those files can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18bHlAWkhIJkLeS9CHvBQQ-BLSn4rrlvE. these tsv files can then be transformed into individual files containing just the mathml using the script below. Change parameters within main function of script as necessary. This script may take multiple hours to run and will generate files that can take up a significant amount of hard drive space (>100GB). If one does not have the space to do this, they can just use the precomputed indices discussed here.

cd  /path/to/tangent-s/src/python/converters/
python3 arqmath_convertor.py


NTCIR datasets are html files containing MathMl. They can be run through the pipeline by enumerating the documents into a doclist with src/python/utility/dir2doclist



An example index file (generated by index.py) is found below followed by explanations for each row

W	4
O	1

D	1000
E	[U!times,0[T!\\mathbb],1[O!SUB,0[V!𝐹],1[V!𝑝]]]	[0]

D	1001
E	[O!notin,0[V!𝑖],1[V!𝑚]]	[0]

D	1002
E	[V!𝑣]	[0]

D	1003
E	[O!leq,0[V!𝐺],1[U!times,0[T!\\mathfrak],1[O!SUB,0[V!𝑆],1[V!𝐺]]]]	[0]

D	1005
E	[U!eq,0[O!SUP,0[O!SUP,0[O!SUB,0[V!𝐴],1[O!minus,0[V!𝑞],1[N!1]]],1[V!𝑒]],1[V!𝑦]],1[U!union,0[U!intersect,0[O!SUB,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝐴],1[V!𝑒]],1[V!𝑞]],1[V!𝑇]],1[O!minus,0[O!SUB,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝐴],1[O!minus,0[V!𝑒],1[N!1]]],1[V!𝑞]],1[V!𝑇]]]]	[0]

W the window size
O wherer or not is is an operator tree or slt

D DocId
E [the expression] [the position it appears in]


An example query file (generated by query.py) is found below followed by explanations for each row the name is

example db-index/[database]_q_*.tsv
K	1000
W	4
O	0

Q	A.1
E	[V!f[M!()1x1[=[O!divide,o[V!x[+[V!x[+[V!c]]]],a[N!2]],u[V!x[+[N!2[V!x[+[V!c]]]]],a[N!2]]]],w[V!x]]]	[0]

Q	A.2
E	[V!f[M!()1x1[=[V!f[M!()1x1,w[V!x[+[N!1]]]]]],w[V!x]],a[′]]	[0]

Q	A.3
E	[O!root,w[N!5]]	[0]


K Indicates that the top K results will be found for each query
W the window size
O todo

Q query id
E formula

1st Results

These are the initial K top results found for each query using the c++ built mathindex tool.

example results/[cntl]_results.tsv
I	it	77728.3
I	it	49447.7
I	it	68733
I	it	67039.8
I	it	65412.9
I	it	46666.1
I	it	47961.3
I	it	47491
I	it	80854.5
I	it	55637.2

Q	B.1
E	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[V!𝑥],2[V!𝑐]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑐]]]]
R	15658584	0	[O!form-seq,0[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[V!𝑥],2[V!𝑐]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑐]]]],1[O!in,0[V!𝑥],1[U!times,0[T!\\mathbb],1[V!𝑅]]]]	0.8125
R	11639119	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑔],1[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[V!𝑥],2[N!1]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!1]]]]	0.8
R	11657033	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑔],1[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[V!𝑥],2[N!1]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!1]]]]	0.8
R	23659576	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!2]]]]	0.788991
R	18854663	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[V!𝑎],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑏]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!3]]]]	0.767857
R	3726843	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[V!𝑎],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑏]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!3]]]]	0.767857

I indexing time

Q query id
E the Formula
R a tuple defined as such (DocId, Score, Formula, retrieval time)

Re-Ranked Results

example results/[cntl]_results.tsv
Q	B.1
E	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[V!𝑥],2[V!𝑐]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑐]]]]
R	15658584	0	[O!form-seq,0[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[V!𝑥],2[V!𝑐]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑐]]]],1[O!in,0[V!𝑥],1[U!times,0[T!\\mathbb],1[V!𝑅]]]]	[1.0,0.76,1.0]
R	23659576	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!2]]]]	[0.8376963350785339,0.8,0.8421052631578947]
R	11535509	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!14],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!9]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!3]]]]	[0.8376963350785339,0.7619047619047619,0.8421052631578947]
R	18854663	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[V!𝑎],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑏]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!3]]]]	[0.8376963350785339,0.7619047619047619,0.8421052631578947]
R	3726843	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[V!𝑎],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑏]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!3]]]]	[0.8376963350785339,0.7619047619047619,0.8421052631578947]
R	20014085	0	[U!eq,0[U!times,0[V!𝑓],1[V!𝑥]],1[O!divide,0[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[V!𝑎],1[V!𝑥]],2[V!𝑏]],1[U!plus,0[O!SUP,0[V!𝑥],1[N!2]],1[U!times,0[N!2],1[V!𝑥]],2[N!3]]]]	[0.8376963350785339,0.7619047619047619,0.8421052631578947]

Q query id
E the Formula
R a tuple defined as such (DocId, Score, Formula, [post count , expr count , doc count])

All in One Bash Script

It is recommended to read the rest of the documentation, even if one chooses to use the all-in-one script. Within the tangent-s/bin directory there will be a set of bash scripts which can be run to perform certain parts of the pipeline. To run everything with one command simply configure the cntl files as needed and run ./arqmath-all

Running Parts Individually

If relative paths are used in the control file, be mindful of where these commands are run. In these examples commands are being run from the bin directory


Generating Indices

If this is just a test it is recommended not to use the full ARQMath dataset to achieve this run head -20000 /path/to/full/doclist/ > new-doclist-small.txt and use this new doclist in the cntl file.
run python3 ../src/python/index_query/index.py example.cntl
this will generate a file in /db-index called <database>_i_<number>.tsv depending on the database name specified in the .cntl file. the format of this file is discussed in index

Using Precomputed Indices

A zip file called precomputed indices is located https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qbrl7OpoMUpvJ-TJ65tNz3FRjVIV6CX4. Overwrite the existing db-index directory with the contents of the one contained in precomputed-indices. copy the control files and doc_list files into the cntl directory.


run python3 ../src/python/index_query/query.py example.cntl
this will generate a file in /db-index called <database>_q_<number>.tsv depending on the database name specified in the .cntl file. the format of this file is discussed in query

Finding Top K Results

pipe the output of the indexes and queries to the math index tool and save that output to a results tsv
cat mathdata.tsv mathqueries.tsv | ./bin/mathindex.exe [-v] > mathresults.tsv
In the case in which the index and query files have just been generated in the db-index directory the command would look as such
cat ../db-index/[database]* | ./mathindex.exe > ../results/[cntl]-results.tsv


to rerank results run
python3 ../src/python/ranking/rerank_results.py ../cntl/control-file.cntl ../results/result-file-from-previous-step.tsv 12 ../results/reranked-result-file-to-be-generated.tsv
To rerank and generate a folder container html files giving insight to the re-rankings run
python3 ../src/python/ranking/rerank_results.py ../cntl/control-file.cntl ../results/result-file-from-previous-step.tsv 12 ../results/reranked-result-file-to-be-generated.tsv -h ../html


Combining results can be done with the following command. It is normally done to combine results from opt and slt representations.

python3 ../src/python/ranking/combine_rankings.py ../results/arq-slt-opt-results.tsv __COMBINE_CACHE -r ../cntl/slt-cntl ../results/reranked-slt-result -r ../cntl/opt-cntl ../results/reranked-opt-result


The index.py portion of the pipeline using multi-process programming. This can cause IDE debuggers to lose track of the process you would like to monitor. index_matt.py is a modified version of index.py that will run with only one process, and will allow for proper debugging. This script will be orders of magnitude slower than the original index.py and should not be run in production settings.


To evaluate the Arqmath tasks please view the separate ARQMATH.md file in this repo

Community Contributions

There are other datasets that can be applied to tangent-s. If you come across one you want to use, but have to do some cleaning in order for the dataset to conform to the tangent-s inputs please consider documenting the cleaning script, adding it to src/python/converters/ and making a pull request.