🚀 Personal Site

This site is a sum of some of my albums and my writings. It is developed with Gatsby. This website is currently under development. Things I want to implement on this site at this point is uncertain. I have a roadmap that is given and regularly updated at the end of this document. The goal of this project is to use GatsbyJS to create a personal website that take advantages of a static webpage. Since Gatsby provides JAMStack development, the project will produce static generated files in the end. It has the following implementations.

PS: I am really bad at UI elements. I will be happy get any suggestions/ tutorials in order to correct my website's UI designing.

  1. Blog

    Blog will read markdown files from blog/ directory.

  2. Photography

    Galleries under gallery/ directory will be listed.


Version 0.0.1 - Building The Basics (Current)

  • creating a dev/ coming soon page
  • publishing the dev
  • creating development branches

Version 0.0.2 - Building The Basics (Upcoming)

  • blog, gallery pages
  • Creating Nav
  • blog-detail, gallery-detail pages
  • dynamically creating pages
  • tags and categories
  • Helmet on every page
  • Many more..

Version 0.0.3 - Shaping the UI (Future)

  • UI fix for gallery detail
  • UI fix for blog detail
  • UI fix for blog and gallery item lists

Version 0.0.4 - Networking (Future)

  • SEO Optimization tags
  • Google analyics implementation

Measuring the Performance

Lighthouse performance metrics will be used in order to measure the site performance over the time. Reports available at src/lighthouse-reports/ directory. Reports can be via this webpage.

To measure the site performance:

  1. Create a build version.

    gatsby build
  2. Create a build version.

    gatsby serve
  3. Download and save the report to the directory.