
This is a Python implementation of a simple vanilla neural network with one hidden layer. The purpose is to allow people to quickly try out a simple neural net without bothering with Tensor Flow or PyBrain

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Vanilla Neural Net

This repository is a basic implementation of a "vanilla" neural network with one hidden layer. It is a basic feed-forward network trained with stochastic gradient descent. It's been built primarily as a self-learning exercise and as a tool for those who want to quickly try out a neural network model without coding it on their own or using a more heavy-weight library.


This implementation is built on numpy (http://www.numpy.org/), which is the only dependency required for running the network. matplotlib (http://matplotlib.org/) is required for plotting learning curves. The example script in Examples.py also requires scikit-learn (http://scikit-learn.org/stable/index.html) as it uses their datasets functionality to load example data. However, this package is not required for running the network.

Basic usage

The neural network has the following basic architecture: an input layer, a hidden layer with activation, and an output layer. The network is initialized by specifying the sizes of the three respective layers, the activation function of the hidden layer (defaults to a Rectified Linear Unit), the learning "goal" (classification or regression), the learning rate alpha (defaults to 0.01) and the regularization parameter (defaults to 0.1):

from VanillaNet import *
net = VanillaNet(5, 15, 3, activation='relu', goal='classification', alpha=0.01, regularization=0.1)

The weights are randomly initialized upon creating the network instance. The network is then trained by calling the train function. This takes as arguments the feature matrix X and the target vector y (numpy arrays), which need to have appropriate dimensions (the number of features of X has to be equal to the input size and the number of classes equal to the output size). The only other parameter is the number of iterations (defaults to 100). As the network is trained by stochastic gradient descent, this is the number of iterations the whole dataset is cycled through (shuffling every iteration).

from VanillaNet import *
net = VanillaNet(5, 15, 3, activation='relu', goal='classification', alpha=0.01, regularization=0.1)

# X is a feature matrix
# y is a target vector
net.train(X, y, iterations=100)

Upon training, the network can be used for prediction by calling the predict function. This takes one argument (the feature matrix to predict/classify) and returns a numpy array of predictions.

from VanillaNet import *
net = VanillaNet(5, 15, 3, activation='relu', goal='classification', alpha=0.01, regularization=0.1)

# X is a feature matrix
# y is a target vector
net.train(X, y, iterations=100)

predictions = net.predict(X)


An alternative to the predict function is the evaluate function, which, given a ground-truth vector y, scores the network prediction. For classification problems, it uses the F1-score. For regression problems, it uses the root mean squared error. It returns the score of the prediction.

from VanillaNet import *
net = VanillaNet(5, 15, 3, activation='relu', goal='classification', alpha=0.01, regularization=0.1)

# X is a feature matrix
# y is a target vector
net.train(X, y, iterations=100)

score = net.evaluate(X, y)

Similarly, one can use k-fold cross-validation with the cross_val function. This function trains the network k times, each time with a random subsample of the training data, leaving out the remainder for scoring. It returns an array of scores for each fold.

from VanillaNet import *
net = VanillaNet(5, 15, 3, activation='relu', goal='classification', alpha=0.01, regularization=0.1)

# X is a feature matrix
# y is a target vector
net.train(X, y, iterations=100)

cross_val_scores = net.cross_val(self, X, y, iterations=100, fraction=0.7, folds=5)


Instead of training the network with a full sample, it can also be trained "progressively" (or online), one observation at a time. This can be done with the update function, which takes a single observation vector x and its correpsonding ground truth y, and updates the weights of the network after predicting yhat given the current trained weights.

from VanillaNet import *
net = VanillaNet(5, 15, 3, activation='relu', goal='classification', alpha=0.01, regularization=0.1)

# X is a feature matrix
# y is a target vector
net.train(X, y, iterations=100)

# x_new is one-dimensional feature vector
# y_new is a single value, correpsonding to x_new ground truth
net.update(x_new, y_new)