
Read SAS datasets remotely (from wrds-cloud) into a Pandas dataframe.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

WRDS Python Data Access Library

WRDS-Py is a library for extracting data from WRDS data sources and getting it into Pandas. The library allows users to access SAS/SHARE and extract data using SQL statements. The data that is returned is read into a Pandas data frame.


Mac OS/Linux

$ python setup.py install


The WRDS-PY package requires Pandas and Psycopg2. Binaries of these can be found here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#psycopg

Once the two required packages are installed, you can run $ python setup.py install

For more information please consult the WRDS Support section at https://wrds-web.wharton.upenn.edu/wrds/support/.


>>> import wrds
>>> db = wrds.Connection()
Enter your credentials.
Username: <your_username>
Password: <your_password>
>>> db.list_libraries()
['audit', 'bank', 'block', 'bvd', 'bvdtrial', 'cboe', ...]
>>> db.list_tables(library='crsp')
['aco_amda', 'aco_imda', 'aco_indfnta', 'aco_indfntq', ...]
>>> db.describe_table(library='csrp', table='stocknames')
Approximately 58957 rows in crsp.stocknames.
       name    nullable              type
0      permno      True  DOUBLE PRECISION
1      permco      True  DOUBLE PRECISION
2      namedt      True              DATE
>>> stocknames = db.get_table(library='crsp', table='stocknames', obs=10)
>>> stocknames.head()
   permno  permco      namedt   nameenddt     cusip    ncusip ticker  \
0  10000.0  7952.0  1986-01-07  1987-06-11  68391610  68391610  OMFGA
1  10001.0  7953.0  1986-01-09  1993-11-21  36720410  39040610   GFGC
2  10001.0  7953.0  1993-11-22  2008-02-04  36720410  29274A10   EWST
3  10001.0  7953.0  2008-02-05  2009-08-03  36720410  29274A20   EWST
4  10001.0  7953.0  2009-08-04  2009-12-17  36720410  29269V10   EGAS