
Handle SSH keys for the root user on Linux or Adminstrator on windows.

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Configure root user.

This role configures the following.

  • Changes the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.
    • Where user access from.
    • What abilities can be performed.
    • Who of a set of administrators can access.
  • Set root user password.
  • Disable password login from SSH.


  • 4.0.0 --- Add Ansible-core 2.16. Removed support for Ubuntu xenial and bionic
  • 3.3.1 --- Update meta/main.yml
  • 3.3.0 --- Added support for Ubuntu 24.04
  • 3.2.0 --- Added root_keys_authorized_keys_file_owner and root_keys_authorized_keys_file_group.
  • 3.1.1 --- Allow Fedora CoreOS 39 to run. No tests has been done
  • 3.1.0 --- Initial support for Fedora CoreOS, but with no tests. Also disabled coreos testing.
  • 3.0.1 --- bug fix, ansible-linting
  • 3.0.0 --- update to ansible 2.12.0
  • 2.4.0 --- added RHEL9 and CentOS8 support
  • 2.3.2 --- Fixed setting PermitRootLogin when it is not previously set
  • 2.3.1 --- Bugfix
  • 2.3.0 --- Added support for Jammy, removed centos8 support.
  • 2.2.0 --- Added support for RHEL8, removed centos6 from testng.
  • 2.1.4 --- removed ubuntu precise from testing
  • 2.1.3 --- added tests for ubuntu focal, 20.04
  • 2.1.2 --- tested with Ansible 2.9.11
  • 2.1.1 --- prepare for github
  • 2.1.0 --- fixed non working windows, added root_ssh_config_path and administrator_password
  • 2.0.1 --- updated readme
  • 2.0.0 --- prohibit SSH login with password as default and allow changing root password
  • 1.0.1 --- updated readme
  • 1.0.0 --- first production version
  • master --- latest development version


This role is limited to:

  • Fedora CoreOS 38
  • Fedora CoreOS 39
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 8
  • RHEL 8
  • RHEL 9
  • Windows

Role Variables

  • root_keys_allow_ips --- list of source ip addresses, default []
  • root_keys_restrict --- comma separated string with restrictions for login, default restrict,pty. Available restrictions
    • restrict --- limit all, always use first
    • pty --- allow tty
    • port-forwarding --- allow port forwarding
    • X11-forwarding --- allow X forwarding
    • agent-forwarding --- allow forward SSH agent
    • See other options with man sshd
  • root_keys_users --- list of dicts with all root users, default []. Dict list elements is defined as following
    • user --- linux username, required
    • key --- file with one ssh key on each line, default ''
    • allow_ips --- list of source ip addresses, default root_keys_allow_ips
    • restrict --- subset of restrictions, default root_keys_restrictions
    • enabled --- is the user enabled or not, default false
  • root_keys_users_limit --- limit to only a list of root users, default []
  • root_keys_users_always --- always add this list of root users, overrides root_keys_users_limit, default ['ansible']
  • root_keys_authorized_keys_file --- path to the authorized_keys file of root, default /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • root_keys_authorized_keys_file_owner --- owner of the authorized_keys file, default root
  • root_keys_authorized_keys_file_group --- group of the authorized_keys file, default root
  • root_remote_password_login --- allow SSH root login with password, default false
  • root_password --- set root password hash, default not set and lock account
  • root_ssh_config_path --- path for sshd_config, default /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • administrator_password --- set windows local administrator password in clear text, default not set



Example Playbook

Variables are kept in the host_vars or group_vars folder usually. Defining everything in playbook is not recommended. This is just an example.

- hosts: servers
    - role: root-keys
      root_keys_restrict: restrict,pty
        - user: user1
          key: |
            ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHkCVF05JvfkrfOOESivOxV4N8+A/EMEkF7/nCQMRoQg
          enabled: true
        - user: user2
          key: |
            ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDXBWyAhgHwuJEpIsqS/8Tl3yD4p8Mu9SR31lnM7/PKm
          restrict: restrict,pty,agent-forwarding
          enabled: true
        - user1
        - user3
        - user2

Add custom values in recipe

Append to default lists in group_vars or host_vars.

Append to list element

  • In group_vars or host_vars.
      - user: user3
        key: |
          ssh-rsa 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
        enabled: true
  • In playbook, merge defaults with your custom values.
      - name: add custom root_keys_users
          root_keys_users: '{{ root_keys_users + root_keys_users_custom|default([]) }}'


NOTICE: Fedora CoreOS is tested manually, but currently no automatic tests are added for FCOS.

Testing the role with Vagrant running on VirtualBox.

cd tests
vagrant up

Rerun tests.

vagrant provision

Remove test VMs.

vagrant destroy -f



Author Information

Created 2020 by IT Infrastructure at MET Norway Contactpoint: IT Infrastructure Basis Team

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