- 1
Monitor data access urls
#29 opened by mortenwh - 1
Add syntax checks
#28 opened by mortenwh - 0
- 2
Catalog status daemon thread dies, catalog integrity and promethues metrics will then not get updated.
#14 opened by magnarem - 2
- 2
Button "Start Catalog rebuilding" inactive
#13 opened by mortenwh - 9
Add monitoring of catalog-rebuilder website
#11 opened by mortenwh - 2
Datasets not present in git repo appears in catalog after cleaning and rebuilding
#9 opened by mortenwh - 1
Internal server error
#12 opened by mortenwh - 1
- 3
- 1
Implement catalog-rebuilder so it will automatically rebuild if catalogs are empty
#2 opened by magnarem - 4
Make catalog-rebuilder depend on the dmci python package, and use dmci directly in, and remove dmci sidecar.
#3 opened by magnarem - 1
Make catalog-rebuilder ingest parents first, to aviod possible problems with new incoming files while the catalog is rebuilt.
#4 opened by magnarem - 4
Design of Rebuilder
#1 opened by johtoblan