Super Tiny Icons as Svelte components.
Try it in the Svelte REPL.
yarn add -D svelte-super-tiny-icons
npm i -D svelte-super-tiny-icons
import { Svelte } from "svelte-super-tiny-icons";
<Svelte width={48} />
See for list of icons.
are forwarded to the svg
- on:click
- on:mouseover
- on:mouseenter
- on:mouseout
- on:keydown
import * as icons from "svelte-super-tiny-icons";
{#each Object.keys(icons) as icon}
<svelte:component this={icons[icon]} title={icon} height={48} />
Svelte components are generated from Super Tiny Icons SVG files using svg-to-svelte.
A single script build.js generates the components, along with documentation in Markdown format.
The generated Svelte components are emitted to the lib
folder, which is ignored by Git but published to NPM.
Documentation is generated using the list of icon module names from the source library.