
Java implementation of Ruby gem Tile Up (see https://github.com/rktjmp/tileup)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Tile Up

Tile Up is Java implementation of the Ruby gem Tile Up(https://github.com/rktjmp/tileup).


Compiling the source code is pretty straight forward assuming you have maven installed on your system. Simply run the following command (from the folder containing pom.xml):

mvn package

You can find the built jar in folder: target/TileUp-1.0-bin-with-dependencies/


Usage is very similar to the Ruby gem Tile Up. Following options are available.

 -a,--auto-zoom                      Automatically scale input images
                                     based on image size and tile size.
 -h,--help                           Shows help.
 -i,--in <arg>                       Required input file, your large image
                                     to tile up.
 -n,--dont-extend-incomplete-tiles   Do not extend edge tiles if they do
                                     not fill an entire tile_width x
 -o,--output-dir <arg>               Output directory (will be created if
                                     it doesn't exist).
 -p,--prefix <arg>                   Prefix to append to tile files, e.g.
                                     --prefix=my_tile =>
 -th,--tile-height <arg>             Tile height, should normally equal
                                     tile width. Default is 256 pixels.
 -tw,--tile-width <arg>              Tile width, should normally equal
                                     tile height. Default is 256 pixels.
 -z,--zoom-levels <arg>              Scale input images specified number
                                     of times. Default value is 1.

To generate some tiles from a large image, you can use something like:

java -jar TileUp.jar --in huge_image.png --output-dir image_tiles --prefix my_tiles

This will split huge_image.png up into 256x256 (default) sized tiles, and save them into the directory image_tiles. The images will be saved as my_tiles_[COLUMN]_[ROW].png


Zoom Levels

tileup can also scale your image for a number of zoom levels (max 20 levels). This is done by scaling down the original image, so make sure it is pretty big. Zoom level of 1 (default) means that the image will be saved under the subfolder 20/.

java -jar TileUp.jar --in really_huge_image.png --zoom-levels 4 \
                     --output-dir map_tiles --prefix map_tile

--zoom-levels 4 means, make 4 levels of zoom, starting from really_huge_image.png at zoom level 20, then scale that down for 19, etc.

You should see something like:


(where 20 is zoom level 20, the largest zoom, 19 is half the size of 20, 18 is half the size of 19, …)

Getting help

You can get help by running java -jar TileUp.jar -h.