
A python library built to empower developers to build applications and systems with self-contained Computer Vision capabilities

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python library built to empower developers to build applications and systems with self-contained Computer Vision capabilities

Built with simplicity in mind, ImageAI supports a list of state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms for image recognition. ImageAI currently supports image recognition using 4 different Machine Learning algorithms trained on the ImageNet-1000 dataset and Object Detection using RetinaNet trained on COCO dataset.
Eventually, ImageAI will provide support for a wider and more specialized aspects of Computer Vision including and not limited to image recognition in special environments and special fields and custom image prediction.

New Release : ImageAI 1.0.2
What's new:

  • Addition of Object Detection class
  • Addition of multiple images prediction function
  • Removal of the need for ImageNet-1000 JSON file for image prediction
  • New Dependencies to support Object Detection (find them in the dependencies section below)
  • Bug Fixes


▣ Dependencies
▣ Installation
▣ Using ImageAI for Image Prediction
▣ Multiple Images Prediction
▣ Using ImageAI in MultiThreading
▣ Using ImageAI for Object Detection
▣ Object Detection, Extraction and Fine-Tuning
▣ Real-Time and High Perfomance Implementation
▣ Sample Applications
▣ Documentation
▣ AI Practice Recommendations
▣ Contact Developers
▣ References


To use ImageAI in your application developments, you must have installed the following dependencies before you install ImageAI :

- Python 3.5.1 (and later versions) Download (Support for Python 2.7 coming soon)
- pip3 Install
- Tensorflow 1.4.0 (and later versions) Install or install via pip

 pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow 
- Numpy 1.13.1 (and later versions) Install or install via pip
 pip3 install numpy 
- SciPy 0.19.1 (and later versions) Install or install via pip
 pip3 install scipy 
- OpenCV (Required as from ImageAI 1.0.2) Install or install via pip
 pip3 install opencv-python 
- Matplotlib (Required as from ImageAI 1.0.2) Install or install via pip
 pip3 install matplotlib 
- h5py (Required as from ImageAI 1.0.2) Install or install via pip
 pip3 install h5py 
- Keras 2.x (Required as from ImageAI 1.0.2) Install or install via pip
 pip3 install keras 


To install ImageAI, run the python installation instruction below in the command line:

pip3 install https://github.com/OlafenwaMoses/ImageAI/raw/master/dist/imageai-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl

or download the Python Wheel imageai-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl and run the python installation instruction in the command line to the path of the file like the one below:

pip3 install C:\User\MyUser\Downloads\imageai-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl

Using ImageAI for Image Prediction

ImageAI provides 4 different algorithms and model types to perform image prediction. To perform image prediction on any picture, take the following simple steps. The 4 algorithms provided for image prediction include SqueezeNet, ResNet, InceptionV3 and DenseNet. Each of these algorithms have individual model files which you must use depending on the choice of your algorithm. To download the model file for your choice of algorithm, click on any of the links below:

- SqueezeNet (Size = 4.82 mb, fastest prediction time and moderate accuracy)
- ResNet by Microsoft Research (Size = 98 mb, fast prediction time and high accuracy)
- InceptionV3 by Google Brain team (Size = 91.6 mb, slow prediction time and higher accuracy)
- DenseNet by Facebook AI Research (Size = 31.6 mb, slower prediction time and highest accuracy)

Great! Once you have downloaded this model file, start a new python project, and then copy the model file to your project folder where your python files (.py files) will be . Then create a python file and give it a name; an example is FirstPrediction.py. Then write the code below into the python file:


from imageai.Prediction import ImagePrediction
import os

execution_path = os.getcwd() prediction = ImagePrediction() prediction.setModelTypeAsResNet() prediction.setModelPath( execution_path + "\resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5") prediction.loadModel()

predictions, percentage_probabilities = prediction.predictImage("C:\Users\MyUser\Downloads\sample.jpg", result_count=5) for index in range(len(predictions)): print(predictions[index] + " : " + percentage_probabilities[index])

Sample Result:

sports_car : 90.61029553413391
car_wheel : 5.9294357895851135
racer : 0.9972884319722652
convertible : 0.8457873947918415
grille : 0.581052340567112

The code above works as follows:
from imageai.Prediction import ImagePrediction
import os

The code above imports the ImageAI library and the python os class.
execution_path = os.getcwd()

The above line obtains the path to the folder that contains your python file (in this example, your FirstPrediction.py) .

prediction = ImagePrediction()
prediction.setModelPath(execution_path + "\resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5")
In the lines above, we created and instance of the ImagePrediction() class in the first line, then we set the model type of the prediction object to ResNet by caling the .setModelTypeAsResNet() in the second line and then we set the model path of the prediction object to the path of the model file (resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5) we copied to the python file folder in the third line.

predictions, percentage_probabilities = prediction.predictImage("C:\Users\MyUser\Downloads\sample.jpg", result_count=5)
In the above line, we defined 2 variables to be equal to the function called to predict an image, which is the .predictImage() function, into which we parsed the path to our image and also state the number of prediction results we want to have (values from 1 to 1000) parsing result_count=5 . The .predictImage() function will return 2 array objects with the first (predictions) being an array of predictions and the second (percentage_probabilities) being an array of the corresponding percentage probability for each prediction.

for index in range(len(predictions)):
print(predictions[index] + " : " + percentage_probabilities[index])
The above line obtains each object in the predictions array, and also obtains the corresponding percentage probability from the percentage_probabilities, and finally prints the result of both to console.

Multiple Images Prediction

You can run image prediction on more than one image using a single function provided as from ImageA1 1.0.2 , which is the .predictMultipleImages() function. It works by doing the following:
- Define your normal ImagePrediction instance
- Set the model type and model path
- Call the .loadModel() function
- Create an array and add all the string path to each of the images you want to predict to the array.
- You then perform prediction by calling the .predictMultipleImages() function and parse in the array of images, and also set the number predictions you want per image by parsing result_count_per_image=5 (default value is 2)

Find the sample code below:

import os
from imageai.Prediction import ImagePrediction

execution_path = os.getcwd()

multiple_prediction = ImagePrediction() multiple_prediction.setModelTypeAsResNet() multiple_prediction.setModelPath(execution_path + "\resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5") multiple_prediction.loadModel()

all_images_array = []

all_files = os.listdir(execution_path) for each_file in all_files: if(each_file.endswith(".jpg") or each_file.endswith(".png")): all_images_array.append(each_file) results_array = multiple_prediction.predictMultipleImages(all_images_array, result_count_per_image=5)

for each_result in results_array: predictions, percentage_probabilities = each_result["predictions"], each_result["percentage_probabilities"] for index in range(len(predictions)): print(predictions[index] + " : " + percentage_probabilities[index]) print("-----------------------")

In the above code, the .predictMultipleImages() function will return an array which contains a dictionary per image. Each dictionary contains the arrays for predictions and percentage probability for each prediction.

Sample Result:

convertible : 52.459555864334106
sports_car : 37.61284649372101
pickup : 3.1751200556755066
car_wheel : 1.817505806684494
minivan : 1.7487050965428352
toilet_tissue : 13.99008333683014
jeep : 6.842949986457825
car_wheel : 6.71963095664978
seat_belt : 6.704962253570557
minivan : 5.861184373497963
bustard : 52.03368067741394
vulture : 20.936034619808197
crane : 10.620515048503876
kite : 10.20539253950119
white_stork : 1.6472270712256432

Using ImageAI in MultiThreading

When developing programs that run heavy task on the deafult thread like User Interfaces (UI), you should consider running your predictions in a new thread. When running image prediction using ImageAI in a new thread, you must take note the following:
- You can create your prediction object, set its model type, set model path and json path outside the new thread.
- The .loadModel() must be in the new thread and image prediction (predictImage()) must take place in th new thread.
Take a look of a sample code below on image prediction using multithreading:

from imageai.Prediction import ImagePrediction
import os
import threading

execution_path = os.getcwd()

prediction = ImagePrediction() prediction.setModelTypeAsResNet() prediction.setModelPath( execution_path + "\resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5") prediction.setJsonPath(execution_path + "\imagenet_class_index.json")

picturesfolder = os.environ["USERPROFILE"] + "\Pictures\" allfiles = os.listdir(picturesfolder)

class PredictionThread(threading.Thread): def init(self): threading.Thread.init(self) def run(self): prediction.loadModel() for eachPicture in allfiles: if eachPicture.endswith(".png") or eachPicture.endswith(".jpg"): predictions, percentage_probabilities = prediction.predictImage(picturesfolder + eachPicture, result_count=1) for index in range(len(predictions)): print(predictions[index] + " : " + percentage_probabilities[index])

predictionThread = PredictionThread () predictionThread.start()

Using ImageAI for Object Detection

As from ImageAI 1.0.2 , you can now perform Object Detection on images. ImageAI provides very convenient and powerful methods to perform object detection on images and extract each object from the image. The object detection class provided only supports the current state-of-the-art RetinaNet, while other object detection networks will be supported in the nearest future. To start performing object detection, you must download the RetinaNet object detection via the link below:

- RetinaNet (Size = 145 mb)

Once you download the RetinaNet model file, you should copy the model file to the your project folder where your .py files will be. Then create a python file and give it a name; an example is FirstObjectDetection.py. Then write the code below into the python file:


from imageai.Detection import ObjectDetection
import os

execution_path = os.getcwd()

detector = ObjectDetection() detector.setModelTypeAsRetinaNet() detector.setModelPath( execution_path + "\resnet50_coco_best_v2.0.1.h5") detector.loadModel()

detections = detector.detectObjectsFromImage(execution_path + "\image2.jpg", execution_path + "\image2new.jpg") for eachObject in detections: print(eachObject["name"] + " : " + eachObject["percentage_probability"] ) print("--------------------------------")

Sample Result:

Input Image

Output Image

person : 91.946941614151

person : 73.61021637916565

laptop : 90.24320840835571

laptop : 73.6881673336029

laptop : 95.16398310661316

person : 87.10319399833679

Let us make a breakdown of the object detection code that we used above.

from imageai.Detection import ObjectDetection
import os

execution_path = os.getcwd()

In the 3 lines above , we import the ImageAI object detection class in the first line, import the os in the second line and obtained the path to folder where our python file runs.
detector = ObjectDetection()
detector.setModelPath( execution_path + "\resnet50_coco_best_v2.0.1.h5")
In the 4 lines above, we created a new instance of the ObjectDetection class in the first line, set the model type to RetinaNet in the second line, set the model path to the RetinaNet model file we downloaded and copied to the python file folder in the third line and load the model in the fourth line.

detections = detector.detectObjectsFromImage(execution_path + "\image2.jpg", execution_path + "\image2new.jpg")
for eachObject in detections:
print(eachObject["name"] + " : " + eachObject["percentage_probability"] )

In the 2 lines above, we ran the detectObjectsFromImage() function and parse in the path to our image, and the path to the new image which the function will save. Then the function returns an array of dictionaries with each dictionary corresponding to the number of objects detected in the image. Each dictionary has the properties name (name of the object) and percentage_probability (percentage probability of the detection)

Object Detection, Extraction and Fine-tune

In the examples we used above, we ran the object detection on an image and it returned the detected objects in an array as well as save a new image with rectangular markers drawn on each object. In our next examples, we will be able to extract each object from the input image and save it independently, and also fine-tune the object detection to detect more objects.

In the example code below which is very identical to the previous object detction code, we will save each object detected as a seperate image.

from imageai.Detection import ObjectDetection
import os

execution_path = os.getcwd()

detector = ObjectDetection() detector.setModelTypeAsRetinaNet() detector.setModelPath( execution_path + "\resnet50_coco_best_v2.0.1.h5") detector.loadModel()

detections, objects_path = detector.detectObjectsFromImage(execution_path + "\image3.jpg", execution_path + "\image3new.jpg", save_detected_objects=True) for eachObject, eachObjectPath in zip(detections, objects_path): print(eachObject["name"] + " : " + eachObject["percentage_probability"] ) print("Object's image saved in " + eachObjectPath) print("--------------------------------")

Sample Result:

Input Image

Output Images









Let us review the part of the code that perform the object detection and extract the images:

detections, objects_path = detector.detectObjectsFromImage(execution_path + "\image3.jpg", execution_path + "\image3new.jpg", save_detected_objects=True)
for eachObject, eachObjectPath in zip(detections, objects_path):
print(eachObject["name"] + " : " + eachObject["percentage_probability"] )
print("Object's image saved in " + eachObjectPath)

In the above above lines, we called the detectObjectsFromImage() , parse in the input image path, output image part, and an extra parameter save_detected_objects=True. This parameter states that the function extract each object detected from the image and save it has a seperate image. The parameter is false by default. Once set to true, the function will create a directory which is the output image path + "-objects" . Then it saves all the extracted images into this new directory with each image's name being the detected object name + "-" + a number which corresponds to the order at which the objects were detected.

This new parameter we set to extract and save detected objects as an image will make the function to return 2 values. The first is the array of dictionaries with each dictionary corresponding to a detected object. The second is an array of the paths to the saved images of each object detected and extracted, and they are arranged in order at which the objects are in the first array.

And one more very important thing before we wrap up on Object Detection!

You will recall that the percentage probability for each detected object is sent back by the detectObjectsFromImage() function. The function has a parameter minimum_percentage_probability , whose default value is 50 . That means the function will only return a detected object if it's percentage probability is 50 or above. The value was kept at this number to ensure the integrity of the detection results. However, a number of objects might be skipped in the process. Therefore, let us fine-tune the object detection by setting minimum_percentage_probability=30 . Take a look at the code below:
from imageai.Detection import ObjectDetection
import os

execution_path = os.getcwd()

detector = ObjectDetection() detector.setModelTypeAsRetinaNet() detector.setModelPath( execution_path + "\resnet50_coco_best_v2.0.1.h5") detector.loadModel()

detections = detector.detectObjectsFromImage(execution_path + "\image2.jpg", execution_path + "\image2new2.jpg", minimum_percentage_probability=30) for eachObject in detections: print(eachObject["name"] + " : " + eachObject["percentage_probability"] ) print("--------------------------------")

Sample Result:

Input Image

Output Image

apple : 35.701966285705566
apple : 38.37691843509674
bowl : 49.61664080619812
sandwich : 34.04079973697662
bowl : 36.91719174385071
person : 91.946941614151
person : 73.61021637916565
person : 38.810619711875916
laptop : 40.59039056301117
laptop : 90.24320840835571
laptop : 73.6881673336029
person : 36.050015687942505
laptop : 95.16398310661316
person : 30.75830042362213
person : 87.10319399833679
person : 35.907524824142456
bed : 48.27503561973572
dining table : 43.09736788272858

Interesting! You will notice we used the image above for the first object detection. Prevoiously, It detected 3 persons (which was suppose to be 4) and 3 laptops (which was suppose to be 4) when the minimum_percentage_probability was at the default value of 50 . In our new code above with minimum_percentage_probability=30 , the function detected 7 persons (not so okay), 3 laptops (not bad), 2 apples (We didn't see that before), 2 bowls (that's great), 1 sandwich, 1 bed (Oh, I forgot we had that in there) and a dining table (trust me, the meal didn't belong there). There was significant improvement in the number of items detected and a slight mis-detections. The fine-tuning can be increased to have higher detection integrity or decreased to capture as many possible items detectable.

Real-Time and High Perfomance Implementation

ImageAI provides abstracted and convenient implementations of state-of-the-art Computer Vision technologies. All of ImageAI implementations and code can work on any computer system with moderate CPU capacity. However, the speed of processing for operations like image prediction, object detection and others on CPU is slow and not suitable for real-time applications. To perform real-time Computer Vision operations with high performance, you need to use GPU enabled technologies.

ImageAI uses the Tensorflow backbone for it's Computer Vision operations. Tensorflow supports both CPUs and GPUs ( Specifically NVIDIA GPUs. You can get one for your PC or get a PC that has one) for machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms' implementations. To use Tensorflow that supports the use of GPUs, follow the link below :




Sample Applications

As a demonstration of what you can do with ImageAI, we have built a complete AI powered Photo gallery for Windows called IntelliP , using ImageAI and UI framework Kivy. Follow this link to download page of the application and its source code.

We also welcome submissions of applications and systems built by you and powered by ImageAI for listings here. Should you want your ImageAI powered developements listed here, you can reach to us via our Contacts below.


The ImageAI library currently supports image prediction via the ImagePrediction class and object detection via the ObjectDetection class.

The ImagePrediction class

The ImagePrediction class can be used to perform image prediction in any python application by instanciating it and calling the available functions below:
- setModelTypeAsSqueezeNet() This function should be called should you chose to use the SqueezeNet model file for the image prediction. You only need to call it once.
- setModelTypeAsResNet() This function should be called should you chose to use the ResNet model file for the image prediction. You only need to call it once.
- setModelTypeAsInceptionV3() This function should be called should you chose to use the InceptionV3Net model file for the image prediction. You only need to call it once.
- setModelTypeAsDenseNet This function should be called should you chose to use the DenseNet model file for the image prediction. You only need to call it once.
- setModelPath() You need to call this function only once and parse the path to the model file path into it. The model file type must correspond to the model type you set.
- loadModel() You need to call this function once only before you attempt to call the predictImage() function .
- predictImage() To perform image prediction on an image, you will call this function and parse in the path to the image file you want to predict, and also state the number of predictions result you will want to have returned by the function (1 to 1000 posible results). This functions returns two arrays. The first one is an array of predictions while the second is an array of corresponding percentage probabilities for each prediction in the prediction array. You can call this function as many times as you need for as many images you want to predict and at any point in your python program as far as you have called the required functions to set model type, set model file path, set json file path and load the model.
- predictMultipleImages() To perform image prediction on a collection of image, you will call this function and parse in an array that contains the strings of the file path to each image. Then you can set the maximum number of predictions you want to retrieve per image. This function returns an array of dictionaries, with each dictionary containing 2 arrays namely 'prediction_results' and 'prediction_probabilities'. The 'prediction_results' contains possible objects classes arranged in descending of their percentage probabilities. The 'prediction_probabilities' contains the percentage probability of each object class. The position of each object class in the 'prediction_results' array corresponds with the positions of the percentage possibilities in the 'prediction_probabilities' array.

The ObjectDetection class

The ObjectDetection class can be used to perform object detection on images, object extraction and more by instanciating it and calling the available functions below:
- setModelTypeAsRetinaNet() This function should be called to use the RetinaNet model file for object detection. You only need to call it once.
- setModelPath() You need to call this function only once and parse the path to the model file path into it. The model file type must correspond to the model type you set.
- loadModel() You need to call this function once only before you attempt to call the detectObjectsFromImage function .
- detectObjectsFromImage() To perform object detection, you need to call this function and parse in the path to input image, the path to save your output image, set the save_detected_objects (optional) and set the minimum_percentage_probability (optional). This function returns an array of dictionaries, with each dictionary corresponding to the objects detected in the image. Each dictionary contains the following property:
- name
- percentage_probability

If 'save_detected_objects' is set to 'True', this function will return another array (making 2 arrays that will be returned) that contains list of all the paths to the saved image of each object detected

AI Practice Recommendations

For anyone interested in building AI systems and using them for business, economic, social and research purposes, it is critical that the person knows the likely positive, negative and unprecedented impacts the use of such technologies will have. They must also be aware of approaches and practices recommended by experienced industry experts to ensure every use of AI brings overall benefit to mankind. We therefore recommend to everyone that wishes to use ImageAI and other AI tools and resources to read Microsoft's January 2018 publication on AI titled "The Future Computed : Artificial Intelligence and its role in society ". Kindly follow the link below to download the publication.


Contact Developers

Moses Olafenwa
Website: https://moses.specpal.science
Twitter: @OlafenwaMoses
Medium : @guymodscientist
Facebook : moses.olafenwa

John Olafenwa
Website: https://john.specpal.science
Twitter: @johnolafenwa
Medium : @johnolafenwa
Facebook : olafenwajohn


  1. Refik Can Malli, SqueezeNet v1.1 Implementation using Keras Functional framework 2.0,

  2. Francois Chollet, Trained image classification models for Keras,

  3. Somshubra Majumdar, DenseNet Implementation of the paper, Densely Connected Convolutional Networks in Keras,

  4. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Keras package for deep residual networks,

  5. Fizyr, Keras implementation of RetinaNet object detection,