
Land register for Blockchain Development I (Fall 2018) at Howest


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            pdfauthor={Dylan Meysmans},
            pdftitle={Testing the Land Register},


\title{Testing the Land Register}%
\author{Dylan Meysmans}%

To test the land register smart contract \texttt{Register.sol}, please use \href{https://remix.ethereum.org/#optimize=true&version=soljson-v0.5.3+commit.10d17f24.js}{the Remix IDE}\footnote{The URI we provide here already sets the proper compiler version and turns on optimization.}.
First add \texttt{Register.sol} to Remix, then perform the following steps to test it out:

    \item Compilation
        \item On the tab marked \textbf{Compile} on the right-hand side, set the current version to \textbf{0.5.3+commit.10d17f24}, if it is not already set.
        \item On the same tab, check the box for \textbf{Auto compile} and optionally for \textbf{Enable Optimization}. 
    \item Execution
        \item On the tab marked \textbf{Run} on the right-hand side, set the \textbf{Environment} to \textbf{JavaScript VM}.
        \item On the same tab, select the \textbf{Register} contract and click \textbf{Deploy}. This should cause an instance of the contract to pop up on the bottom of the tab.
    \item Registering a land
        \item Still on the \textbf{Run} tab, expand the \textbf{createLand} section for the contract instance.
        \item Provide an array of x coordinates (e.g. \texttt{[0, 0, 1, 1]}) and an array of y coordinates (e.g. \texttt{[0, 1, 0, 1]}) marking the borders, the size of the land (e.g. \texttt{1}), and its value (e.g. \texttt{[0, 0, 1, 1]}).
        \item For the owner parameter, provide one of the addresses from the \textbf{Account} list on top of the \textbf{Run} tab which you did not use to deploy the contract.
        \item Click the \textbf{transact} button.
        \item Expand the output of the \texttt{createLand} transaction on the console on the bottom of the window and read the \textbf{decoded output} field in the table to find out the unique code of the land registered. It is necessary to sell the land in the next step.
    \item Selling a land
        \item Still on the \textbf{Run} tab, expand the \textbf{sell} section for the contract instance.
        \item Provide the code output by the transaction in the previous step for the \textbf{code} parameter.
        \item Provide an address from the \textbf{Account} list which you did not use to deploy the contract or as the owner for the land for the \textbf{to} parameter.
        \item Provide any positive integer value you like for the \textbf{price} value.
        \item Click the \textbf{transact} button.
