
A database of CHIP-8 game metadata

CHIP-8 database

This repository aims to be a complete database of CHIP-8 game (and other program/"ROM") metadata.

There are a myriad of different and incompatible CHIP-8 implementations in the wild, and a many games require instructions to behave in specific ways to run.

If you're implementing a CHIP-8 interpreter/emulator, you can use the files in this repository to figure out how to make an arbitrary CHIP-8 game run.

How to use

If you're making a CHIP-8 emulator, here are some suggestions and use cases where this database can come in handy:

  • When your emulator loads a game, generate a SHA1 hash of the binary and look it up in hashes.json to retrieve its ID. Then look up the ID in programs.json to retrieve its metadata.
  • Check the platform property to make sure your emulator even supports the game! If it's a simple CHIP-8 emulator, assert that this is chip8. If you've made a Super-CHIP emulator, it should be schip. There are many weird, valid platforms here that you likely don't support. Make sure you support the resolution too.
  • Go through the quirks in options and make sure you support all the different behaviors, and select which behavior to use for this specific game.
  • Display the game's title in the title bar of your emulator, if applicable.
  • Perhaps check the keys property to see if it uses a standard WASD-type directional movement, and map those keys to the arrow keys for convenience.
  • Check options for color values, and set your display to use those colors for a less boring look.


This repository contains two files:

  • hashes.json: A JSON file mapping SHA1 hashes of CHIP-8 program binary files to names (usually their traditional file names)
  • programs.json: A JSON file mapping CHIP-8 program names to metadata


This is a simple JSON file. The contents of a CHIP-8 binary/ROM is hashed using SHA1, and mapped to a unique ID string.

When loading a CHIP-8 program, your emulator can do a SHA1 of the loaded bytes, and look up the string in this file. This string can be displayed in your emulator, for example. You can then use that string as a lookup ID in programs.json to retrieve additional metadata.


This file is a mapping from ID strings to metadata.

The schema is based on chip8Archive, but is a superset of that file.

  • title: The full text title of the program.
  • authors: A list of one or more keys for the entries in authors.json.
  • images: A list of zero or more filenames inside the directory in src corresponding to this entry which can be used to visually represent the program in a gallery.
  • desc: A short textual description of the program.
  • event: A short string identifying any game jam or gathering this program was created during.
  • release: An ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) indicating when this program was released to the public.
  • platform: The minimal CHIP-8 platform this program runs on. This is independent of behavioral "quirks" of the platform (see below), but hints at what extra features and instructions are required to run the program.
    • chip8: Basic CHIP-8
    • schip: Super-CHIP, extension to CHIP-8 with a high-resolution (128x64) display
    • xochip: XO-CHIP, extension to Super-CHIP with (chip8, schip, or xochip). If the program works on multiple platforms, go with the least powerful it works on properly.
  • interpreter: Original CHIP-8 interpreter this game was written for.
  • resolution: The screen resolution required to run this game. This will usually be 64x32 for standard CHIP-8 games, 64x64 for "hires"/"two-page" CHIP-8 games, and 128x64 for Super-CHIP/XO-CHIP games.
  • keys: The keys used by this program, and to what purpose. See below.
  • options: Configuration for quirks flags and general interpreter options. See below.


This is a list of the hexadecimal keys used, and which keys are used for directional input.

The keys are strings signifying a direction and the values are numbers between 0 and 16 corresponding to a CHIP-8 key; or the key is "other" and the value is a list of such keys.

It can be used to map arrow keys to the specific CHIP-8 keys used, for a seamless and consistent gameplay experience. It is perhaps especially useful for platforms with limited input capabilities, like for example a console with a D-pad/joystick and two action buttons; both for mapping keys and to identify which programs use few enough keys to be playable on such a platform.

Key Value
left Key used to move left
right Key used to move right
up Key used to move up
down Key used to move down
nw key used to move diagonally up and to the left (North-West)
ne key used to move diagonally up and to the right (North-East)
sw key used to move diagonally down and to the left (South-West)
se key used to move diagonally down and to the right (South-East)
other A list of other keys used in this program (action keys, perhaps)


The options key takes a list of keys and values.

General options:

tickrate - how many cycles to run per frame? ":500,

  • backgroundColor: The color used for the background, or pixels that are "off".
  • fillColor: The color used for pixels that are "on". For XO-CHIP, this is specifically for graphics plane 1.
  • fillColor2: The color used for pixels that are "on" in graphics plane 2 for XO-CHIP.
  • blendColor: The color used when planes 1 and 2 overlap in XO-CHIP.
  • buzzColor: For a visual sound buzzer, this is the color used when the buzzer is active.
  • quietColor: The color used when the buzzer is not active.
  • maxSize: The memory size needed. A reasonable default is 4096; this option will usually be used for programs that require more memory than 4096. touchInputMode - enableXO: Whether this game requires XO-CHIP capabilities (such as multiple graphics planes). screenRotation

In addition, there are several options that describe "quirks" that the game depends on. "Quirks" are behavioral differences. Some CHIP-8 interpreters have historically implemented certain instructions differently, causing incompatible CHIP-8 specifications. If a game relies on a certain behavior, these options tell you that.

The "Default" column gives tips to what a sensible default behavior is, mainly judged by the number of games in the database that rely on each behavior.

Instructions in this table follow the convention used in Mastering CHIP-8: NNN refers to a hexadecimal memory address, NN refers to a hexadecimal byte, N refers to a hexadecimal nibble, and X and Y refer to hexadecimal register numbers (where the registers themselves are referred to as VX and VY).

Key Instructions affected true false Default
shiftQuirks 8XY6 and 8XYE Shift VX and ignore VY Load VX with the value in VY and then shift VX Most modern emulators behave as if this were true, as does the original Super-CHIP interpreter. The original CHIP-8 emulator behaves as if it were false.
loadStoreQuirks FX55 and FX65 Do not increment I Increment I once per value loaded/stored (eg. I will be changed to I + X + 1 after completion) Most modern emulators behave as if this were true, as does the original Super-CHIP interpreter. The original CHIP-8 emulator behaves as if it were false.
jumpQuirks BNNN Interpret BNNN as BXNN and jump to the address XNN + VX Jump to the address NNN plus the value in register V0
vBlankQuirks DXYN Wait for vertical blank or screen interrupt before drawing (essentially consuming all remaining cycles for this frame, and only allowing one draw operation per frame) Blit directly to the screen immediately
logicQuirks 8XY1, 8XY2, 8XY3 The VF register's state is undefined afterwards The VF register is not touched Likely inconsequential, and can be assumed false.
loresWideSpriteQuirks DXY0 Draws a 16x16 sprite even in low-resolution (64x32) mode, row-major No operation This behavior is apparently only found in Octo, but can be assumed true.
loresTallSpriteQuirks DXY0 Draws an 8x16 sprite in low-resolution mode No operation This behavior was used on the DREAM 6800 and in Super-CHIP, but is uncommon and can be assumed false.
collisionQuirks DXYN In high-res mode, sets VF to the number of rows that collide or run off the bottom of the screen Always sets VF to 1 if there is a collision, or 0 otherwise This behavior only appeared in Super-CHIP, but is uncommon and should default to false.
resizeQuirks 00FE and 00FF Clears the screen Does not clear the screen, and should not produce a visible effect (assumes that the low-res display represents each CHIP-8 pixel with 2x2 hi-res pixels) Should default to true.
scrollQuirks 00BN/00DN, 00CN, 00FB, 00FC 00CN scrolls by N/2 pixels in low-res mode Should default to false.
clipQuirks DXYN

Note that the options loresWideSpriteQuirks and loresTallSpriteQuirks are incompatible and cannot both be true. If both are false, the instruction DXY0 should do nothing.

Where to find games

Note that this repository doesn't actually host any games, only metadata! Here are some places you can find the games listed in this database:

  • chip8Archive: A repository containing programs released into the public domain. Great for inclusion in any emulator!
  • Revival pack: A large game pack purtorting to contain programs in the public domain.
  • David Winter's CHIP-8 games: A collection of David Winter's games, which are traditionally included in many emulators today.

History of quirks

Why are there so many incompatible ways to interpret the few instructions of CHIP-8?

CHIP-8 was created in 1977 by Joseph Weisbecker for an RCA hobby computer called the COSMAC VIP. VIP users quickly started hacking the small, 512-byte interpreter to give it additional features, sharing their alterations and games in the VIPER newsletter.