A Chessboard Widget for Flutter. The widget maintains game state and gives callbacks for game events like moves, checkmate and draws. Under final testing before 1.0.
To use this package, add chess_board as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_chess_board/flutter_chess_board.dart';
void main() {
new MaterialApp(
home: new Scaffold(
body: new Center(
child: ChessBoard(
size: 200.0,
onMove: (move) {
onCheckMate: (color) {
onDraw: () {
Gives length and width of chess board
Type of board to display (Brown, Green, etc.)
Callback for when a move is made. Returns a move as a string. E.g.: "Nf4"
Callback for when game becomes a draw.
Callback for when a player checkmates the other. Returns the color of the winner.
Defines if white or black side faces user. The player is white by default(true). If set to false, black faces the user.
Defines the ChessBoardController for the widget for changing the board programmatically.
Disables user moves when set to false.
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