
Primary LanguageTypeScript

MEVblocker.io: The best MEV protection under the sun


MEV Blocker is your personal protection from frontrunning and sandwich attacks for a broad spectrum of Ethereum transactions.

  1. Add the RPC endpoint directly to your wallet
  2. Trade with DeFi, mint NFTs, or use any dApp
  3. MEV Blocker auto-protects all transactions

RPC details

Network Name MEV Blocker
New RPC URL https://rpc.mevblocker.io
Chain ID 1
Currency Symbol ETH
Block Explorer URL https://etherscan.io

Quick Start

Run the development server: Choose your preferred package manager and run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open the application: Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the result.

Edit content:

  • Edit general site Config/Meta data -> src/const/meta.ts
  • Edit main and footer menu -> src/const/menu.ts
  • Index / Landing page -> Start editing the landing page by modifying pages/index.tsx.
  • Add or Remove a Launch partner (Launch partners section on landing page) -> Add an object to const LAUNCH_PARTNERS in src/const/content.tsx. Make sure the logo is a SVG in color black (#000000) and add it to the root folder public/partners.
  • Edit misc content like FAQ items, USPs that are shown on the index / landing page -> src/const/content.tsx
  • /docs/ -> Comes from page src/pages/docs.mdx and the content is sourced directly from a Markdown file src/const/docs.md. Please edit src/const/docs.md if you want to edit the content on /docs/
  • Add a new page (e.g. /cookie-policy/) -> Create a .tsx file under folder src/pages/. You could copy src/pages/404.tsx to have a general content page example. Or if the content is going to be Markdown sourced you could copy src/pages/docs.mdx.
