PREDICTIVE MODEL This is an attempt to predict the pIC50 value of drugs which target AKT protein. The final model is an XGBoost model which has been deployed in the de novo design part. All jupyter notebooks have been named according to what has been implemented in them. Model 1: Based on PCA Model 1.5: Based on Autoencoder Model 2: Purely correlation based; also contains code used for deployment Model 3: RandomForestRegressor models trained for various feature selection techniques and XGBoost is implemented after hyper-parameter tuning final_model: The final model which has been deployed no_zeros_no_chembl.csv: IMPORTANT FILE. It is the original dataset.(Padel descriptors for 2861 molecules) descriptors.csv: used to store padel descriptors calculated in an experiment uneval_desc.csv: used to store padel descriptors calculated in an experiment SAVED_MODELS folder: It contains the predictive models as well as associated data-processing files like scalers, pca methods, names of appropriate features and xml files for padel generation. The final model is "best_from_gs38.model", final features are in "good_columns.pkl" and the appropriate XML file is "xg_desc3.xml" DATA folder: this contains several train-test-splits apart from outputs of feature selection techniques MOL folder: Contains molecules to be evaluated by PaDEL.
A Machine Learning model predicting pIC50 of certain drug molecules.
Jupyter Notebook