
A range slider built for elm

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


elm package install stephenreddek/elm-range-slider


The RangeSlider.init function creates a default range slider which handles continuous values from 0 to 100. You can override any of the default settings by using the "setters" on the initialized model.

percentageSlider =
        |> (setStepSize (Just 5.0))
        |> setFormatter (\value -> (String.fromFloat value) ++ "%")
        |> setExtents -25.0 25.0
        |> setValues -10.0 10.0

Because it uses mouse movements, the range slider requires subscriptions. After initialization, handle the subscriptions.

subscriptions =
    (\model ->
        Sub.map SliderMsg <| RangeSlider.subscriptions model.slider

Handle the updates from the subscription in your update function

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg { slider } =
    case msg of
        SliderMsg msg ->
                updatedModel =
                    RangeSlider.update msg slider
                ( Model updatedModel, Cmd.none )

To view the slider, simply call the view function

Html.map SliderMsg <| RangeSlider.view slider

When they're finished inputting values, access the values with the getValues accessor

(from, to) =
    RangeSlider.getValues model.slider


Checkout the example to test it or see how to wire it up.


The default styles for the range slider can be found in the project repo.

Change log

  • 3.0.0
    • Removed CssHooks
    • Changed the css namespace to range-slider-