
Tool for finding interesting forks of projects on GitHub.

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Poesi för döda fiskar.

The guldkorn tools locates forks with divergent commits or commits ahead of the original repository.


go get github.com/mewmew/guldkorn


guldkorn [OPTION]...


  -owner string
        owner name (GitHub user or organization)
  -q    suppress non-error messages
  -repo string
        repository name
  -token string
        GitHub OAuth personal access token
        watch divergent forks


This example helped narrow down 250 forks across 2554 branches to 65 forks across 149 branches with divergent commits or commits ahead of origin, a subset of which are presented below.

$ guldkorn -owner diasurgical -repo devilutionX -token ACCESS_TOKEN

status: "diverged" (head=AJenbo:roguelike vs base=diasurgical:master)
AJenbo:roguelike ahead 3 (and behind 139) of diasurgical:master

status: "diverged" (head=NEMadman:master vs base=diasurgical:master)
NEMadman:master ahead 1 (and behind 970) of diasurgical:master

status: "diverged" (head=cain05:difficulty_rebalance vs base=diasurgical:master)
cain05:difficulty_rebalance ahead 13 (and behind 833) of diasurgical:master

status: "diverged" (head=qndel:pixellight vs base=diasurgical:master)
qndel:pixellight ahead 81 (and behind 22) of diasurgical:master


Note: Remember to set ACCESS_TOKEN to not hit the rate limit on GitHub. To create a personal access token on GitHub visit https://github.com/settings/tokens

To use the -watch flag, the notifications permission scope is required when generating the GitHub access token. Other than that, Guldkorn requires no additional scopes.

If the environment variable GULDKORN_GITHUB_TOKEN is set, the access token will be read from there.