
Simplify your logging code!

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log-skeleton is a simple object with methods .fatal, .error, .warn, .info, .debug and .trace. It is initalized with you favorite log instance, or nothing at all.

I.e. you can do either

var real_log = require('bunyan').createLogger({name: 'example'});
var log = require('log-skeleton')(real_log);


var log = require('log-skeleton')();

In the first case any simple API call to log will be forwarded to real_log, while in the latter case, every simple log API call will be silently ignored. It's meant to be a drop in tool for you module when you want to outsource the responsibility of creating a logger, but don't want to have a bunch of if (log) {} lying around.


var skeleton = require('log-skeleton');

module.exports = function (options) {
  var log = skeleton((options) ? options.log : undefined);
  log.info("Doesn't matter if options.log is undefined");

If options.log is undefined, the call to log.info does nothing. If it's a log object, the logger will log at the appropriate level.

The original log object is exposed at log.log in the above example, as to give you an access point to the real log object.
