
Preorder Chatbot for Line Platform

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Welcome to Preo Bot Pages

Preo Bot Logo

Preo Bot is a chat bot for keeping orders on LINE platform. In a chat room, the bot will be your assistant when you and your friends need to collect meal orders.

Version 1.0.0

Logo by zentinel


Language: Python3

  • line-bot-sdk
  • flask
  • pytest
  • gunicorn
pip install line-bot-sdk flask pytest gunicorn


We use pytest as a test runner. The name of test functions in 'tests' directory must begin with 'test' or else pytest cannot run those test cases.

cd tests

Test with output on console and verbose.

pytest -sv

Run Server

python main.py


This project can deploy on Heroku platform. Heroku platform needs requirements.txt to build an app environment and Procfile to run python app.


A chat room can have only one existing order list at the same time.

  • Create a new order with name if any. One chat room can have only one opened order at the same time.
!new <order_name>
  • Set new item to the order list
!set <user_name> <item> <amount>

Remark : This command will replace the existing item order. For example, Preo bot receives a sequence of command like this:

!set Jack Milk 3
!set Bob Milk 4
!set Jack Milk 5
!set Bob Milk 2
!set Jack Milk 1

Finally, the saved order for Jake will be 1 Milk and the saved order for Bob will be 2 Milk.

  • Remove an item from the order list
!del <user_name> <item>
  • Close the current order list. User cannot update the order list but still can list orders.
  • Reopen the closed order list. Then, User can update the order.
  • Show all items in the order list. Each order is grouped by an item name and appended with its amount and a list of ordering users.

Example list response

===== 7-11 Order Summary =====
milk 4: Bob Jack(2) Mike
cocoa 2: Zack Kate
tea 3: Alice(3)
  • End the current order list. Like list command, a summary of orders will be shown and orders will be cleared.
  • Show help message

Support or Contact

Please create an issue if you find bugs or have a comment.