Get in touch on Twitter @axelmukwena or email
Documentation for
More on the dependency and package versions used are found in the Gemfile and Yarn files.
NB: This documentation is only accurately reproductible and tested on macOS Catalina. Checkout comphrensive this book by Michael Hartl, seems to touch Mac, Linux and Windows.
All source code in this repository is available jointly under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for details.
To get started with the app, first clone the repo and cd
into the directory or alternaitively Github Desktop:
$ git clone
$ cd elaka
Then install the needed packages (while skipping any Ruby gems needed only in production):
- Install Yarn v1.22.10
- Install PostgreSQL for Mac, Linux and Windows
$ gem install bundler -v 2.2.11
$ bundle _2.2.11_ config set --local
$ bundle install
(If you run into any installation issues or missing dependencies, refer to the this book by Michael Hartl.
Next, migrate the database:
$ rake db:migrate
I did not implement any automated tests, so skip the following testing stage:
$ rails test
$ rails db:seed
Run the app in a local server:
$ rails server
$ rails s
You can then register a new user or log into an existing account.
To deploy the sample app to production, you’ll need a Heroku account (or any hosting platform of your choice).
The full production app includes several advanced features, including sending email with MailGun. As a result, deploying the full sample app can be rather challenging.
$ heroku create
$ git checkout updating-users
$ git push heroku updating-users:main
$ heroku run rails db:migrate
$ heroku run rails db:seed
Visiting the URL returned by the original heroku create
should now show you the sample app running in production. As with the local version, you can then register a new user or log in as the sample administrative user with the email
and password foobar
Experience shows that comparing code with the reference app is often helpful for debugging errors and tracking down discrepancies. For additional assistance with any issues in the tutorial, please consult the Rails Tutorial Help page.
Suspected errors, typos, and bugs can be emailed to