1. Create resources/newsrack.properties.override and add the following properties there:
# SQL db info
sql.dbName             = 
sql.userHome           = 
sql.archiveHome        = 
sql.user               = 
sql.password           = 

# Email info -- not needed if you are not going to send emails for password resets
email.admin.emailid    =
email.system.fromid    =
email.smtp.server      =
email.smtp.port        =
email.smtp.auth        =
email.smtp.auth.user   =
email.smtp.auth.passwd =
email.smtp.ssl         =

# Set testing, readonly, debugging to true if you dont want anything to be downloaded
testing                  = false
readonly                 = false
debugging                = false
download.init_delay.secs = 60
download.period.mins     = 120

2. Read SETUP.NOTES for information about configuring tomcat and modjk

3. Create build.properties and setup build properties that you want to override -- the two properties you might override are: 
webapp.name =   
container.dir = 

4. ant build builds code 

5. ant war builds war

6. ant deploy deploys the application