
Declarative interface to test HTTP endpoints

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Declarative interface to test HTTP endpoints

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I've created this because I was tired of writing boilerplate code to test HTTP request which always did the same thing:

  1. Write request
  2. Perform request
  3. Validate response


This module make use of pydantic for data validation and httpx for HTTP requests.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


It works with python's unittest module. The example.py file shows a very simple way of using it.

import uuid
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

async def get(page: int, size: int):
    return {
        'page': page,
        'size': size,
        'uuid': uuid.uuid4()

from lawfully import contract
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Test:
    """ Tests the GET request """

    class Request:
        class Params(BaseModel):
            page: int = 5
            size: int = 10

    class Response:
        class Body(BaseModel):
            page: int
            size: int
            uuid: uuid.UUID

To run the example, first start the server, you can use uvicorn. Inside a terminal:

$ uvicorn example:app

And then, just use python's unittest module to run the test:

$ python -m unittest -vb example.py
test (example.Test)
Tests the GET request ... ok

Ran 1 test in 0.018s


As easy as that.


This library was created with pydantic use in mind. However, it is not a requirement. The only thing expected from the objects declared inside Request and Response are that they return values that can be passed to httpx. For example: Body, Params and Headers are expected to return a dict when called. This way, something like this is totally acceptable:

class Request:
    Params = lambda: {'page': 1}

Another thing that might be useful is that the class returned by the @contract annotation is a unittest.TestCase class. This way, you can treat it like so. Create another test method, custom setUp and tearDown, etc. The only requirement is that you call the super class setUp method when overriding it.

class Test:
    def setUp(self):
        # your code