
Primary LanguagePython


Your own small cloud that can integrate with anything.


I created this because I find complicated to have to deal with many complicated interfaces from different service providers in order to have simple services executing. Besides, I am always afraid of getting vendor locked...


Here is the current integrations table. I intend to add more as time goes.

Rest Files Queue Users (coming soon)
local X
SQLite X X
PostgreSQL X X
MongoDB X X


As easy as:

pip install -r requirements.txt


By default, we run with all backends locally, to make life easier for everyone that just want to play around :)

uvicorn ucloud:app

INFO:     Started server process [111335]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)


We have two sets of tests: unit and integration. To run all tests, just execute the following:

python -m unittest discover -vb tests

If you want to only execute unit/integration tests you can do the following:

python -m unittest discover -vb tests/unit  # or test/integration

If you want to test some specific backend, you will need to set the respective environment variable. For example, to test the REST backend with PostgreSQL and the files backend with S3, you will need to do so:

export UCLOUD_REST_TYPE=postgresql
export UCLOUD_FILES_TYPE=aws_s3
python -m unittest discover -vb tests

Also, the tests assume that you will have LocalStack running when testing AWS services. Also, you should have PostgreSQL also running. Same is valid when testing other backends that need services, like MongoDB, for REST.


As of now, all configurations can be changed using environment variables. More info about all the configurations in the settings file. By default, all configurations use sqlite and local where applicable.


To select the REST backend, use the variable UCLOUD_REST_TYPE:

export UCLOUD_REST_TYPE=sqlite  # you can use 'postgresql' or 'mongodb'
export UCLOUD_REST_SQLITE_PATH=./my_rest_database
uvicorn ucloud:app

In the case for remote servers, like PostgreSQL or MongoDB, you simply use similar named variable to point to the correct host:

export UCLOUD_REST_TYPE=postgresql
export UCLOUD_REST_POSTGRESQL_PATH=postgresql://postgres@


To select the queue backend, use the variable UCLOUD_QUEUE_TYPE:

export UCLOUD_QUEUE_TYPE=sqlite  # you can use 'postgresql' or 'mongodb'
export UCLOUD_QUEUE_SQLITE_PATH=./my_queue_database
uvicorn ucloud:app


To select the files backend, use the variable UCLOUD_FILES_TYPE:

export UCLOUD_FILES_TYPE=sqlite  # you can use 'postgresql' or 'mongodb'
export UCLOUD_FILES_LOCAL_PATH=./my_files_directory
uvicorn ucloud:app