
Independent Projects 6: .NET with UI

Primary LanguageC#

Word Counter

A program to tell you how many times an inputted word is contained within an inputted sentence.

By Maya Frame 5/3/19


A program created with C# where a user can input a word and determine how many times it appears within an inputted sentence.


Spec Input
User Word Input "Boy"
User Sentence Input "Oh boyo boy! Can you believe they boycotted Boy George for not looking boyish?"
Expected Output "2 matches"


Spec Word Input Sentence Input Output
Program recognizes when a word string has been entered "word" "word"
Program recognizes when sentence string has been entered "Oh my word "Oh my word"
Program changes all input to lower case. "Word" "More words" "word" / "more words"
User inputs sentence string and program splits sentence into an array "boy" "Oh boy oh boy" "'oh','boy','oh','boy'"
Program loops over the sentence array checking for user input word matches "boy" SPLIT: "'oh','boy','oh','boy'" "2 matches"
Program returns only full word matches, excluding longer words that contain matching word string characters. "boy" "Oh boyo boy! Can you believe they boycotted Boy George for not looking boyish?" "2 matches"

Setup/Installation Requirements

Download .NET Core 2.2.103 SDK install it. Download Mono and install it.

  1. Clone this repository: $ git clone https://github.com/meyerclemon/Independent_Project_6
  2. Change into the work directory:: $ cd WordCounter.Solution
  3. To edit the project, open the project in your preferred text editor.
  4. To run the program, navigate to WordCounter.Solution/WordCounter and use $dotnet build to build the project, and then $dotnet run to start the server that the project will be held.
  5. Navigate to localhost:5000 in your browser to view the splashpage.

Visit repository: https://meyerclemon.github.io/Independent_Project_6/

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs at this time.

Technologies Used

C# .NET Core App 2.2 & ASP.NET Core Razor CSHTML

Support and contact details

Email mayacframe@gmail.com with any questions, comments, or concerns.


{This software is licensed under the MIT license}

Copyright (c) 2019 {Maya Frame}