
Elixir wrapper for :pg2 with some conveniences

Primary LanguageElixir

Pg2 / :pg2_wrap


Add {:pg2_wrap, "~> 1.0"}, to your deps list.


The :pg2_wrap application provides the module Pg2, which calls to :pg2 with some very slight variations to make typical uses easier.

Here it is in action:

iex(1)> Pg2.join(:a_group)
iex(2)> Pg2.get_members(:a_group)
iex(3)> Pg2.leave(:a_group)
iex(4)> Pg2.which_groups


Those familiar with :pg2 will have spotted many of the differences above. Each method's documentation enumerates specific differences, here is the full list:

  1. When calling join and leave, the pid is defaulted to self()
  2. When calling join on a nonexistent group, the group is created
  3. When calling leave on a nonexistent group, :ok is returned
  4. When calling get_closest_pid of a nonexistent group, {:error, {:no_process, group_name}} is returned
  5. When calling get_members and get_local_members of a nonexistent group, [] is returned
  6. When calling leave, empty groups are deleted (after the pid is removed)