
~p sigil for predicate shorthand. `~p(expr) ~> fn expr -> true; _ -> false end`

Primary LanguageElixir


PredicateSigil is sugar to condense pattern-matching predicate lambdas. E.g.:

~p(%Mystruct{}) is equivalent to:

fn %MyStruct{} -> true
             _ -> false

This is especially useful for methods in the Enum and Stream modules, like filter and reject, take_while, drop_while, etc.

To negate a pattern, throw a ! in front of your pattern:

iex> import PredicateSigil # Don't forget!
...> Enum.take_while([1,2,3,4,:error, :garbage, 7, :corrupted_results], ~p(!:error))

Add to your mix deps:

  {:predicate_sigil, "~> 0.2.0"},