Quantified Self API

Quantified Self is a Node.js / Express API that provides CRUD functionality for foods and meals for the Quantified Self Client.


Clone this repo.

npm install

Run the app locally

npm start

Navigate to

Running the tests

knex migrate:latest

npm test

Base Url: https://quantified-self-cm.herokuapp.com/

Resources Available


Creating a meal

url: POST /api/v1/meals/

body: {foods: [food_id, food_id, food_id], meal: nameOfMeal, totalCalories: number, dailyLog: date}

Reading a meal

url: GET /api/v1/meals/:id

Updating a meal

url: PUT /api/meals/:id

body: {foods: [food_1, food_2, etc.], meal: nameOfMeal, totalCalories: number, dailyLogId: id}

Deleting a meal

url: DELETE /api/v1/meals/:id


Get all Foods

url: GET /api/foods

Get a Food

url: GET /api/foods/:id

Create a Food

url: POST /api/foods

body: {name: nameOfFood, calories: numberCals}

Update a Food

url: PUT /api/foods/:id

body: {name: nameOfFood, calories: numberCals}

Delete a Food

url: DELETE /api/foods/:id

Search Foods

url: GET /api/search/foods?name=nameOfFood