Code and Data used in MLBDACP21 submission.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository accompanies a paper submitted to The 3rd International Symposium on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics For Cybersecurity and Privacy (MLBDACP 2021). It contains all of the code used in the experiment.

Meyers, B.S. and Meneely, A. (2021). An Automated Post-Mortem Analysis of Vulnerability Relationships
using Natural Language Word Embeddings. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Machine
Learning and Big Data Analytics for Cybersecurity and Privacy (MLBDACP).


This code requires Python 3 and the following python libraries: gensim, matplotlib, nltk, numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, scipy. You may install these libraries in one of the following ways:

  • pip3 install gensim matplotlib nltk numpy pandas scikit-learn scipy
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Additionally, you will need to download the stopwords corpus for NLTK: python3 -m nltk.downloader stopwords


The exact environment used in this study is as follows:

  • Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
  • Python 3.6.9
  • Python libraries:
    • gensim (3.8.1)
    • matplotlib (3.2.1)
    • nltk (3.4.5)
    • numpy (1.18.2)
    • pandas (0.25.3)
    • scikit-learn (0.22.2.post1)
    • scipy (1.4.1)


To repeat the experiment with exactly the same parameters as used in the above paper, run ./run_experiment.sh. Note: you may need to make this file executable: chmod +x run_experiment.sh.

Directory Organization


The data/ directory contains the corpora used in our experiment (cve.csv.zip and vhp.csv.zip) -- you must unzip these files before running the experiment. It also contains vhp_human.csv, which contains the manual human annotations described in the above paper. Preprocessed corpora are also saved in this directory (cve_prepared.csv and vhp_prepared.csv).


The models/ directory is where the serialized word embedding models will be saved.


The release/ directory contains the final data, models, and results from this experiment.


The results/ directory is where computed document vectors and assigned clusters will be saved.


The src/ directory contains the majority of the source code used in this project:

  • cluster.py: functionality to perform hierarchical agglomerative clustering
  • info.py: functionality to compute and display basic corpora statistics
  • label.py: functionality to compute and display most frequent words and bigrams for documents within clusters
  • lemmatizer.py: functionality to lemmatize words in the corpora
  • prepare.py: functionality for preprocessing the corpora
  • train.py: functionality to train word embedding models


Step 1: Prepare Data

Unzip the datasets by running unzip *.zip in the data/ directory. Then, run the following commands to preprocess the data (steps described in the above paper):

  • ./experiment.py prepare cve
  • ./experiment.py prepare vhp

For details on parameters for the prepare command, run: ./experiment.py prepare --help.

Step 2: Train Word Embedding Models

Train a word embedding model on each dataset by running:

  • ./experiment.py train cve True csg 150 5 20 4 10 0.025 11 trial01
  • ./experiment.py train vhp True csg 150 5 20 4 10 0.025 11 trial01

Models will be saved to disk in the models/ directory.

For details on parameters for the train command, run: ./experiment.py train --help.

Step 3: Clustering

Run the following commands to perform hierarchical agglomerative clustering and compute the number of cluster (K):

  • ./experiment.py cluster vhp models/trial01_cve_True_csg_150_5_20_10_0.025_11.bin True agglomerative True trial01
  • ./experiment.py cluster vhp models/trial01_vhp_True_csg_150_5_20_10_0.025_11.bin True agglomerative True trial01

Computed document vectors and clusters will be saved to disk in the results/ directory.

For details on parameters for the cluster command, run: ./experiment.py cluster --help.

Step 4: Labeling

Run the following commands to compute the most frequent words and most frequent bigrams for each of the documents within a cluster:

  • ./experiment.py label results/trial01_docClusters_cve_True_csg_150_5_20_10_0.025_11_vhp_K_14.csv trial01
  • ./experiment.py label results/trial01_docClusters_vhp_True_csg_150_5_20_10_0.025_11_vhp_K_11.csv trial01

For details on parameters for the label command, run: ./experiment.py label --help.


The info command can be used to compute and display information about the corpora after you have run the prepare command:

  • ./experiment.py info cve
  • ./experiment.py info vhp

For details on parameters for the info command, run: ./experiment.py info --help.


For general questions, please contact Benjamin S. Meyers (email). For specific questions about the Vulnerability History Project, please contact Andrew Meneely (email).