
A network testing scheduler developer as part of the work on the RoCNet project (https://tta-portal.misc.kth.se/rocnet)

Primary LanguageC++

|  _____        _____ _   _      _    |
| |  __ \      / ____| \ | |    | |   |
| | |__) |___ | |    |  \| | ___| |_  |
| |  _  // _ \| |    | . ` |/ _ \ __| |
| | | \ \ (_) | |____| |\  |  __/ |_  |
| |_|  \_\___/ \_____|_| \_|\___|\__| |

The RoCNet scheduler framework includes a scheduling server that controls the
scheduling of tests on the various hosts / gateways that are being monitored.
The hosts being monitored should be running the scheduler agent with a list of
supported tests configured on them.

This was developed as part of the RoCNet project - https://tta-portal.misc.kth.se/rocnet

Please refer to the README's within the 'roc_agent' and 'roc_server'
sub-directories for more details on configuring and running the scheduler agent
and server.