Hi there 👋

  • 🔭 I'm currently working on Upwork
  • 🌱 I'm currently learning problem-solving, CS, OCaml, and Architecture!
  • 👯 I'm looking to collaborate on a Formal Verification project
  • 📫 How to reach me: "my Github username" @gmail.com
  • 💬 Ask me about how to learn programming or freelancing; I'd like to help others by sharing my experience and know-how 🤙
  • âš¡ Fun fact: I love to play with new/old programming languages and once in a while build a breakable toy or a serious project 😉
Section Programing Language Project Technologies
OCaml "Introduction to Functional Programming in OCaml" problems OCaml
Ruby Real Estate Ad Collection and Analysis, collected 100k+ ads Ruby, ElasticSeach, Kibana, Sqlite, Capybara, Whenever, Thor, telegram-bot-ruby
Ruby An incomplete Leasing web app Typical Ruby App
Ruby My First Ruby Project, A Simple Ruby Script querying emails on IMAP, find attachments(Excel 2007 Files), fetch relevant data from Sql Server 2008 R2, generates reply and send it back Ruby, mail, axlsx, roo, tiny_tds, net/smtp, log4r, zip
Ruby/Problem Solving/Fun! ProjectEuler.net Problems Ruby
Ruby AI Course Problems Ruby
Java Spring Boot Microservice Archetype Project Spring Boot, OAuth 2.0 Integration, Docker Images, Declarative Jenkins CI/CD, Kubernetes Integration, Jacoco Code Coverage, Jersey, JPA, OpenAPI Documentation, SonarQube, Lombok, JUnit, Mockito
Java Spring Boot Cross Cutting Concerns Module Logging, Authentication using OAuth 2.0, JWT, Exception Handling and Uniform responses including Constraint Violation and Validation Errors
Java/Javascript Snake Game using Netty Java, Netty, Websocket, HTML Canvas
Java Spring Batch Sample Spring, Spring Batch, Batch Error Handling, CSV
Java/Nodejs WebRTC Sample Java EE/Jakarta EE, IBM Liberty Microprofile, WebRTC, NodeJS
Java/Problem Solving Codility/CodeSignal/LeetCode Problems Java, JUnit, Property Based Testing
Clojure Sample Web App in Clojure Clojure, Pedestal, Web Services
Rust/Problem Solving Hanoi Problem in Rust with invariant cheks Rust