
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A DQN framework for customized environments. Supports:

  • customized environments with openai gym.
  • Dynamic save and load with msgpack.
  • Multi-processing learning.
  • Tensorboard visualization.

The following algorithms are implemented:

  • DQN: vanilla DQN.
  • DDQN: Double DQN.
  • 3DQN: Dueling Double DQN.
  • Per3DQN: Dueling Double DQN with Priority Experience Replay.

How to use (e.g. cmd values here):

  1. Create a customized environment in env/ and tune its hyperparameters in env/dqn_config.py (see doc/).
  2. Train the model with python3 train.py -algo DuelingDoubleDQNAgent -max_total_steps 10000000.
  3. Observe with python3 observe.py -d save/DuelingDoubleDQNAgent_lr0.0001_model.pack.
  4. Visualize the learning curves in tensorboard with tensorboard --logdir ./logs/train/.
  5. And beat the AI with python3 play.py to assert dominance on the machines.

See doc/ for a complete guide on how to use bin scripts, build a customized environment and run the programs.
See doc/custom_envs_w_frameworQ.txt for implementations of customized environments with frameworkQ.

Build dependencies

make (venv): 3.a or cd bin/ && bash make.sh
make (conda): 3.b

  1. Apt packages:

apt-get update && apt-get install build-essential libpq-dev libssl-dev openssl libffi-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev cmake

  1. Python 3.7.m:

m=0 && while wget -q --method=HEAD https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.$(( $m + 1 ))/Python-3.7.$(( $m + 1 )).tar.xz; do m=$(( $m + 1 )); done && wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.$m/Python-3.7.$m.tar.xz && tar xvf Python-3.7.$m.tar.xz && cd Python-3.7.$m && ./configure && make && make altinstall && cd .. && rm -rv Python-3.7.$m.tar.xz Python-3.7.$m

  1. a. Venv (venv):

mkdir venv && python3.7 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
(venv) ... Pip3 packages

  1. b. Venv (conda):

(base) conda create -n frameworQ python=3.7 anaconda
(base) conda activate frameworQ
(frameworQ) conda install -n frameworQ pip3
(frameworQ) ... Pip3 packages
(frameworQ) conda deactivate
(base) conda remove -n frameworQ --all

  1. Pip3 packages:

(...) export TMPDIR='/var/tmp'
(...) pip3 install 'pyglet==1.5.0' gym torch tensorboard 'msgpack==1.0.2' wheel --no-cache-dir

Customized environments with frameworQ

Demo gif flappy-seamonkai

Demo tensorboard flappy-seamonkai

Demo gif initial-DQN

Demo tensorboard initial-DQN

Demo 1 gif DQN-ITSCwPD

Demo 2 gif DQN-ITSCwPD

Demo tensorboard DQN-ITSCwPD
