uses to do reverse ip lookups on domains
This project does not contain dependencies, but doing npm install is good practice
npm install has a 100/day scan limit it is highly advised to set scan 50 domains at a time such as:
0 50
51 100
101 150
if you scan the same at the same range each time you will get the same domains.
[ip-address] - A single valid ip address can be aquired doing a dnslookup on a domains
[min] - where to start the scan range
[max] - where to end the scan range
# npm start <ip-address> <min> <max>
npm start 0 10
npm start 0 50
npm start 0 5
# Windows
./hacker-reverse-ip.exe <ip-address> <min> <max>
MIT © 2018 Carlos Rincon