English | 中文说明
Components with custom layout by drag and drop can also define the layout of the elements of the interface by means of a fixed format data source. The element is set to position: absolute
- The child element cannot be an inline element because transform does not work on inline elements!
- The child element cannot be an inline element, because transform does not work on inline elements!
- The child element must be given a unique value
, which sets the position and height according to the corresponding layout in the data sourcelayout
; - The position and width of the child element is given in
width / cols
as a unit; props.style
needs to be assigned to the target element'sstyle
attribute, position and size attributes in order to take effect;
npm install --save react-draggable-layout
# or
yarn add react-draggable-layout
import *as React from 'react';
import DragGrid from 'react-draggable-layout'
import { Words } from './largedata';
import './index.css';
const fakeData = () => {
var Y = 0;
return Words.map((item, index) => {
if (index % 4 === 0) Y++;
return { ...item, GridX: index % 4 * 4, GridY: Y * 4, w: 4, h: 3, uniqueKey: index + '' }
export const Card: (any: any) => any = React.forwardRef(({ item, style }, ref) => {
return (
style={{ ...style, background: '#fff' }}
style={{ padding: 5, textAlign: 'center', color: '#595959' }}
<div style={{ borderBottom: '1px solid rgba(120,120,120,0.1)' }} />
position: 'absolute',
width: 10, height: 10, right: 2, bottom: 2, cursor: 'se-resize',
borderRight: '2px solid rgba(15,15,15,0.2)',
borderBottom: '2px solid rgba(15,15,15,0.2)'
export class LayoutDemo extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
render() {
const margin: [number, number] = [5, 5];
const dragactInit = {
width: 600,
cols: 16,
rowHeight: 40,
margin: margin,
className: 'normal-layout',
layout: fakeData()
return (
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center'
<h1 style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
background: '#003A8C'
fakeData()?.map((item, index) => {
return <Card item={item} key={item.uniqueKey} />
name | type | defaultValue | description |
layout | GridItemEvent[] |
- | layout dataSource |
cols | number |
12 | Row split into several parts |
width | number |
- | container's width |
padding | [number, number] |
[0,0] |
container's padding |
rowHeight | number |
30 | The row height of the layout of the child elements within the container |
margin | [number, number] |
[10, 10] |
the child elements in the container's margin |
onStart | DragGridHandler |
- | Drag start event |
onMove | DragGridHandler |
- | Draging event |
onEnd | DragGridHandler |
- | Drag end event |
onResizeStart | DragGridHandler |
- | scale start event |
onResizing | DragGridHandler |
- | scaling event |
onResizeEnd | DragGridHandler |
- | scale end event |
name | type | defaultValue | description |
GridX | number |
- | x-axis layout position |
GridY | number |
- | y-axis layout position |
w | number |
1 |
width |
h | number |
1 |
height |
margin | [number, number] |
[10,10] |
the element's margin |
uniqueKey | string |
- | Unique key value |
forbid | boolean |
- | forbid dragging, set this so it won't be dragged and becomes a static element |
handle | string / HTMLElement |
document.body / document.documentElement |
Drag handles |
direction | ['vertical', 'horizontal', 'e', 'w', 's', 'n', 'ne', 'nw', 'se', 'sw'] |
- | Allowed directions for dragging |