FactoryBot is a tool to generate test objects with random data. Inspired by factory_girl.
Sometimes it may be really helpful for unit tests, performance test, any kind of proof of concept to generate random data.
For example:
Bot.Define(x => new Model({ Text = x.Strings.Any() });
var model = Bot.Build<Model>();
Now FactoryBot supports generators for following types:
- and any enum type
To install FactoryBot run:
Install-Package FactoryBot
FactoryBot support two models on defining model generation: manual and auto.
In auto mode FactoryBot goes over all public properties with public setters and binds predefined generators to it. Here is how you can use it:
var model = Bot.Build<AllTypesModel>();
In manual mode you should specify a generator per each property you want to be set:
Bot.Define(x => new AllTypesModel
Boolean = x.Boolean.Any(),
Byte = x.Byte.RandomFromList(3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 100),
DateTime = x.Dates.AfterNow(),
Decimal = x.Decimal.Any(-1000000, 1000000),
Double = x.Double.SequenceFromList(12.45, 66.1234, 444.4),
Enum = x.Enums.RandomFromList(EnumModel.First, EnumModel.Last),
Float = x.Float.Any(),
Integer = x.Integer.Any(0, 500),
Long = x.Long.Any(),
Short = x.Short.Any(-100, 100),
String = x.Address.Country(),
TimeSpan = x.Time.Any()
var model = Bot.Build<AllTypesModel>();
There is an ability to change one particular model during a build.
One way is to provide some modifiers to Build
var model = Bot.Build<AllTypesModel>(x => x.Byte = 10, x => x.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow);
Another way is to use BuildCustom
method and provide define expression again to substitute some generators:
var model = Bot.BuildCustom(x => new Model1(5, x.Keep<string>()));
Sometimes you need to change generator in constructor but you want to keep other ones untouched. For this call Keep
method as it showed above.
Sometimes it's required to generate array of models. It can be easily done BuildSequence
method. The method returns IEnumerable<T>
and works as yield generator and generates infinite sequence of objects. To not creating infinite loops or generation OutOfMemoryExceptions
in your programs the method has protection and if you try to generate more than 100 object you will get an exception. To disable this protection pass true
as infinite parameter.
// generates sequence of 10 elements
Bot.BuildSequence<AllTypesModel>().Take(10).ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x));
// throws and error
foreach (var model in Bot.BuildSequence<AllTypesModel>())
// creates an infinite loop
foreach (var model in Bot.BuildSequence<AllTypesModel>(true))