Using Angular 2(version 4) in ASP.NET MVC 5 & Visual Studio 2015
- March 31 2017 - Updated to use Angular 4. The Angular 4 version is backward compatible, with much reduced bundle sizes.
- October 22/16 - Updated to Angular 2.1
- Sept 24 2016 - Using Angular 2 Final Release. Must install TypeScript 2 in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
How to run?
- Ensure latest NODEJS and TypeScript 2 is installed.
- Clone repo or fork it.
- Open command prompt containing package.json
- run "npm install" this will install all Angular 4 packages
- run "typings install".
- Open solution in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
- Open "Task Runner Explorer", then right click on "default" task and run. This will create libs folder, transpiles TypeScript files to JavaScript.
- Ensure everything works fine and run app to see Angular 2 running on ASP.NET MVC 5.
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