Pepper&Carrot translation project
Episode 17: A Fresh Start
preview render EN version, WIP link
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Translators and correctors:
Catalan: Juan José Segura
Breton: Stefan Carpentier
Chinese: Ran Zhuang
Dutch: Willem Sonke & Midgard
English: Alex Gryson
Finnish: Kari Lehto
French: David Revoy, corrections: Remi Rampin
German: Philipp Hemmer
Indonesian: Bonaventura Aditya Perdana
Italian: Carlo Gandolfi, corrections: Antonio Parisi
Japanese: guruguru
Lojban: Gleki Arxokuna
Mexicano: RJ Quiralta
Polish: Sölve Svartskogen
Portuguese: Alexandre Esteves Almeida
Russian: Denis "uncle Night" Prisukhin
Slovak: talime
Spanish: TheFaico
Swedish: Mikael Olofsson
Ukrainian: Denis "uncle Night" Prisukhin
- David Revoy,
To download ready to use pages, higher resolutions and more visit:
This folder contains all ready to use built pages in all available language :
low-resolutions pages (low-res folder, 992px large, Jpeg 92% quality)
high-resolution (hi-res folder, 2481px large, Jpeg 95% quality)
graphics only pages (gfx-only subfolder under low-res and hi-res)
Long strip version in a long single picture (lowres/single-page, Jpeg 92% quality)
Krita original sources files (zip folder, zipped kra files)
Documentation: Translation/Correction full how-to documentation can be read on the official website here.
License agreement: Authors of all translations or contributions to this project accept to release this translation work under the license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Graphics: Do not edit or propose a commit for the artwork in these repositories (gfx_ PNG files). Artwork here are low-resolution proxy files only. The real hi-res layered artwork, kra files, are available here and are too heavy to be shared on Github. Do a modification, host them, then send me the link to them.
Fonts: as a common resources, fonts are hosted on their own Github repository here All informations about font authors, licenses and links are managed on the README of this external repository. You can download the pack directly here: