A simple utility library for HTTP status codes.
All functions receive an integer and check if it's a valid HTTP status code, then returns the respective value.
If the received value is not an integer and not a valid HTTP status code, it will throw an exception preventing your app to compile. That way you can easily see if the problem in an API response is related to the status code and why.
Check Usage for further details on how to use it.
npm install http-status-utils
Normal TypeScript usage
import {
} from 'http-status-utils'
// Direct usage of functions
console.log(getDescription(200)) // OK
console.log(isSuccess(200)) // true
console.log(isError(404)) // true
// Using handleHttp function
const {
isSuccess: successStatus,
isError: errorStatus
} = handleHttp(200)
console.log(description) // OK
console.log(successStatus) // true
console.log(errorStatus) // false
Example with fetch()
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import { handleHttp } from 'http-status-utils'
try {
const response = await fetch('https://example.com/api/v1/')
const { status } = response
// Use handleHttp to get status code details
const { description, isSuccess, isError } = handleHttp(status)
if (isError) {
console.error(`Error: ${description}`)
if (!isSuccess) {
console.log(`Received HTTP status code ${status}: ${description}`)
// Parse and use the JSON data
const data = await response.json()
console.log('Fetched Data:', data)
// Example of using the data.description
console.log(`Status Description: ${description}`)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Network Error:', error)
getDescription(code: number): string
Returns the description for the given HTTP status code.
isSuccess(code: number): boolean
Returns true if the status code indicates success (2xx).
isError(code: number): boolean
Returns true if the status code indicates an error (4xx or 5xx).
isTeapot(code: number): boolean
Returns true if the status code indicates teapot (418).
handleHttp(code: number): { description: string, isSuccess: boolean, isError: boolean, isTeapot: boolean }
Returns an object containing the respective details for the given HTTP status code.
If you want to test the library's functionality, you can do so by running:
npm test