A small program that play and send video stream over to another backend service for processing, then play the processed stream in live.
- Media support: MP4, MJPEG, HLS, Webcam, screenshare
- Connectivity: video on internet/local network to processing service on internet/local network
- Backend processing: customizable backend processing, plug and play
- UI Screenshot
- Python 3.8+ (required by shm)
- aiortc 1+
- opencv-python 4.4+
- Pillow 8+
RuntimeError: Cannot re-initialize CUDA in forked subprocess. To use CUDA with multiprocessing, you must use the 'spawn' start method
** https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/multiprocessing-for-cuda-error/16866/4 ** pytorch/pytorch#40403- getUserMedia, getDisplayMedia are not available via http protocol ** https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60957829/navigator-mediadevices-is-undefined
- some mjpeg cams do not support CORS
- webcam and sharescreen requires safe network environment