
2D Shadows for Unity

Primary LanguageC#

Shadow 2D

See demo Follow these steps to use Shadows2D in your scene:

  1. Make sure you have a floor layer - this will be the shadowed-background layer.
  2. Make sure that items that should be shadowed are placed in the floor layer.
  3. Make sure the main camera excludes the floor layer - your background will now become invisible
  4. Create a new camera (RenderTextureCamera)
  • Call it RenderTextureCamera
  • Parent it to the main camera
  • Make sure it's on the same z as the main camera - so it doesn't end up behind level
  • Remove the AudioListener
  • Remove the GUI Layer
  • Remove the Flare Layer
  1. Add the Shadow 2D Setup component to one game object in your scene.
  • Hook in the main camera
  • Hook in the render texture camera
  • Select the ambient material (called Shadow2D Ambient)
  • Select the light material (called Shadow2D Light)
  1. Create the ambient object
  • Add a new empty game object (locate it at 0,0,0)
  • Add the script "Shadow 2D Ambient"
  • In the MeshRenderer, set the material to the ambient material (called Shadow2D Ambient)
  1. Make sure your foreground items have colliders - that's what'll be used for shadows.
  2. Add a light
  • Create new empty game object
  • Add the script "Shadow 2D Light"
  • In the MeshRenderer, set the material to the light material (called Shadow2D Light)

And you should be done!