
Discord bot for lil-dinked

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Discord Bot

Please feel free to improve/implement any features you think we should add.

How will I contribute?

Head over to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me to learn how to create a Discord Application.

Inside config.json, insert your newly created 'test' bot's token.

You must have node.js installed to run and test the bot. You must also have discord.js

npm install --save discord.js

Make sure you rename 'config-sample.json' to 'config.json' in your actual project.

If you have any problems/questions feel free to ask @MattL019 in the discord and anyone else about how to set things up.


Feel like contributing, or simply joining our community? We have a discord, which you can join below: https://discord.gg/hXWEsc7