
A simple PHP router for regular expression based model instantiation

Primary LanguagePHP



RegExpRouter is a php router system that routes clean URLs based on regular expressions and support PSR-0 complient projects.

Possible Options for a new Router:
$options = array(
‘baseURL’=>’yoururl’, //required: the full url: http://www.yoururl.com/
‘srcDir’=>’yourSrcDir’ //Only required if you want to scan your models. Must be a full system path to your source directory.

Methods of routing:

1. Scanning

The router will scan though your models and load routes. You will need a file called Routes.php within each of your model’s directories (ie: project/exampleModel/Routes.php). This Routes.php file must extend RegExpRouter\RoutesInterface and define all of the routes for that model.

For each Model that has a route, you will need to place a file named “Routes” within that class, which implements RegExpRouter\RoutesInterface and define the regex routes for the model.

Routes are defined as an array of routes. And example route would look like this: $routes = array(array(‘yourRegex’ => ‘referenceModel’), array(‘moreRegex’ => ‘anotherModel’));
The reference model should be the name of a class within the current model without it’s namespace. The namespace will be added to it automatically.

Here is some example code for scanning your models:

$options = array(‘baseURL’=>’yoururl’, ‘srcDir’=>’yourSrcDir’);
$router = new RegExpRouter\Router($options);
$router→route($SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], $GET);

2. User Defined Mapping

You can compile the array of regex to model mapping yourself and call the RegExpRouter→setRoutes(array) method:

Here is some example code for using your own mapping:

Routes are the same as the scaning method, except you should always define the fulll namesapce to the class within the model that you are referencing.

$options = array(‘baseURL’=>’yoururl’);
$router = new RegExpRouter\Router($options);
$router→setRoutes(array(‘/^home$/i’ => ‘ExampleProject\ExampleModel\View’));
$router→route($SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], $GET);


To view the very simple Example application in the Example folder to get a better feel of how it works.

To set up the example application you will have to do the following:
1) Copy the config.sample.php to a new file called config.inc.php in the same folder.
2) Change the Example\Controller::$url in config.inc.php to a url that works with your setup.
3) Copy the sample.htaccess file to a new file called .htaccess in the same folder.
4) In .htaccess change the RewriteBase path to work with your setup.