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❓ What is this Repository about?


  • To install Cypress run the following command on the Terminal npm install cypress --save-dev

  • To install FakerJS run the following command: npm install @faker-js/faker --save-dev

  • To install LambdaTest CLI for running tests on LambdaTest cloud grid npm install -g lambdatest-cypress-cli

  • To generate the default lambdatest-config.json file, run the following command: lambdatest-cypress init --cv=10


  • Clone this repository in your local and run the following command: npm install

Running the Tests

  1. To run the test from command line on Chrome browser on Local machine use the following command:

    • npx cypress:chrome
  2. To run the test from command line on Microsoft Edge browser on Local machine use the following command:

    • npx cypress:edge
  3. To run the test from command line in interactive mode on Local machine use the following command:

    • npx cypress open
  4. To run the test from command line on LambdaTest Cloud grid use the following command:

    • lambdatest-cypress run --user=<LamdaTest UserName --ak=<LambdaTest Access Key>

🧬 Need Assistance?

  • Discuss your queries by writing to me @ OR ping me on any of the social media sites using the below link:

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